Tag Archives: February Peace Love Art Activism

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism


Fugitive Slave Law

February 12, 1793: the US Congress passed the first Fugitive Slave Law to implement the provisions in the Constitution. It stated that to reclaim an escaped slave a master needed only to go before a magistrate and provide oral or written proof of ownership. The magistrate would then issue an order for the arrest of the slave. The slave was not given a trial in court or allowed to present evidence on their own behalf, including proof of having previously earned their freedom. (next BH, see May 23, 1796)

“Lift Every Voice and Sing” poem

February 12, 1900: as part of a celebration of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, 500 school children at the segregated Stanton School in Jacksonville, Florida recited “Lift Every Voice and Sing” written by James Weldon Johnson the school principal. He wrote the words to introduce that day’s honored guest: Booker T. Washington. (BH, see  (see Aug 2)

“Lift Every Voice and Sing” song

In 1905, James’s brother John put music to the poem. (see September 22, 1906)

“Lift Every Voice and Sing” anthem

In 1919, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) dubbed it “The Negro National Anthem” for its power in voicing the cry for liberation and affirmation for African-American people. (see February – August 1919)

“Lift Every Voice and Sing” sculpture

In 1939 the New York World’s Fair commissioned Augusta Savage to create a sculpture. She created a 16-foot plaster sculpture called Lift Every Voice and Sing. The piece was was destroyed at the close of the Fair. (BH, see, Apr 9; see Savage for her expanded story; see Lift for expanded story)

NAACP formed

February 12, 1909: on the centennial of President Abraham Lincoln’s birth, African Americans signed a proclamation known as “The Call,” leading to the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The interracial group was created to safeguard civil, legal, economic, human and political rights of African Americans.

The appeal took place in response to continued lynchings and a 1908 race riot in Springfield, Ill. Sixty people, including W. E. B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Mary Church Terrell, signed the proclamation. (next BH, see May 3, 1910; next Lynching, see June 5, 1910 or for expanded chronology see American Lynching 2)

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

In 1969: Maya Angelou’s published her autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In it, she relates the story of her 8th grade graduation when class and audience sang the “Lift Every Voice and Sing” anthem  after a white school official spoke in a derogatory manner about the educational aspirations of her class. (see Jan 3)


February 12 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 12, 1909:  on the centennial of President Abraham Lincoln’s birth, African Americans signed a proclamation known as “The Call,” leading to the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in May. The interracial group was created to safeguard civil, legal, economic, human and political rights of African Americans.

The appeal took place in response to continued lynchings and a 1908 race riot in Springfield, Ill. Sixty people, including W. E. B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Mary Church Terrell, signed the proclamation. (see May 3, 1910)

Isaac Woodard

February 12 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 12, 1946: former U.S. Army Sergeant Isaac Woodard Jr. was on a Greyhound Lines bus traveling from Camp Gordon in Augusta, Georgia, where he had been discharged, en route to rejoin his family in North Carolina. When the bus reached a rest stop just outside of Augusta, Woodard asked the bus driver if there was time for him to use a restroom.

The bus stopped in Batesburg (now Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina), near Aiken. Though Woodard had caused no disruption, the driver contacted the local police (including Chief of Police Linwood Shull), who forcibly removed Woodard from the bus. After demanding to see his discharge papers, a number of policemen, including Shull, took Woodard to a nearby alleyway, where they beat him repeatedly with nightsticks. They then took Woodard to the town jail and arrested him for disorderly conduct, accusing him of drinking beer in the back of the bus with other soldiers.

During the course of the night in jail, Shull beat and blinded Woodard. Woodard also suffered partial amnesia as a result of his injuries.

The following morning, the police sent Woodard before the local judge, who found him guilty and fined him fifty dollars. The soldier requested medical assistance, but it took two more days for a doctor to be sent to him. Not knowing where he was and suffering from amnesia, Woodard ended up in a hospital in Aiken, South Carolina, receiving substandard medical care.

Three weeks after he was reported missing by his relatives, Woodard was discovered in the hospital. He was immediately rushed to a US Army hospital in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Though his memory had begun to recover by that time, doctors found both eyes were damaged beyond repair. (BH, see Feb 25;  see Woodard  for expanded story)

Bibb Transit Company boycott

February 12, 1962: in Macon, GA, the boycott of the Bibb Transit Company officially began. It lasted for three weeks. Despite a series of court decisions in other Georgia cities that had declared segregated transportation unconstitutional, Macon’s African American residents still faced massive resistance to integration attempts. As was the case with the Albany students who attempted to desegregate the city’s downtown Trailways bus station, arrests swiftly ensued when student protesters and ministers attempted to sit in the front seats of Bibb Transit’s buses. (BH, see In March; Macon, see March 12)

Muhammad Ali

February 12, 1966: the Louisville, KY draft board re-classified Muhammad Ali as 1-A. Ali challenged the re-classification as politically motivated. He questions why other athletes, such as Joe Namath, quarterback for the NY Jets, weren’t being drafted as well. (BH, see Mar 7; Ali, see February 6, 1967)

Soul on Ice

February 12 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 12, 1968: Ramparts Press Inc. published “Soul on Ice” by Eldridge Cleaver. Ramparts magazine initially published the  memoir and collection of essays. Through his writing, Cleaver described his life’s arc from marijuana dealer and serial rapist into a convinced Malcolm X adherent and Marxist revolutionary. (BH, see Feb 13; Cleaver, see April 6, 1968)

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism

Pledge of Allegiance

December 28, 1945: Congress officially recognized the Pledge of Allegiance and encouraged its recitation in schools.

February 12, 1948: Louis A. Bowman, an attorney from Illinois, was the first to initiate the addition of “under God” to the Pledge. He was Chaplain of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. At a meeting on February 12, 1948, Lincoln’s Birthday, he led the Society in swearing the Pledge with two words added, “under God.” He stated that the words came from Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Though not all manuscript versions of the Gettysburg Address contain the words “under God”, all the reporters’ transcripts of the speech as delivered do, as perhaps Lincoln may have deviated from his prepared text and inserted the phrase when he said “that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” (see Pledge for expanded story)

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism

February 12 Music et al

The Beatles

February 12 Peace Love ActivismFebruary 12, 1964: two concert performances at Carnegie Hall. Tickets for the concerts had gone on sale on January 27 and had completely sold out by the following day. 2,900 people saw each of the two shows, which were promoted by New York impresario Sid Bernstein. The warm-up act for both performances was The Briarwoods. (see Feb 15)


February 12 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 12, 1966: Acid Test in Los Angeles. Watts. Youth Opportunities Center. It was reportedly at this Test that Prankster Hugh Romney (later Wavy Gravy) decided to put LSD into Kool-Aid. (see Feb 25)

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism


February 12, 1972: Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) advocated amnesty for Vietnam draft resisters. (see Mar 12)

February 12 Peace Love Activism

Symbionese Liberation Army

February 12, 1974: In a recording delivered to KPFA radio, Patty Hearst told her parents that she was okay. Donald DeFreeze — “Cinque” — makes a demand for food to be distributed to poor people in the area and throughout the country. (see PH for expanded chronology)

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism

Consumer Protection

February 12, 1976:  though it was never linked to any deaths or illnesses, the FDA banned the food coloring, Red Dye No. 2, because studies had shown it might cause cancer. Red M&Ms disappeared for 11 years because of the ban. Soviet scientists claimed a link between the dye – used in everything from sausage casings and ice cream to makeup – and cancer, and U.S. tests proved some correlation as well.

Mars candy company to pull red M&Ms even though they never contained any Red Dye No. 2 to begin with. (see May 16, 1988)

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism


February 12, 1998: Federal Judge Thomas M Coffin ruled that golfer Casey Martin—the first pro athlete to utilize the ADA to play a competitive sport—does have the right to use a golf cart in the PGA Tour tournaments due to a rare circulatory disorder that severely limits his ability to walk an entire course. Judge Coffin stated: ”Mr. Martin is entitled to his modification because he is disabled. It will not alter what’s taking place out there on the course.”  (see June 25)

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism


February 12, 1999: Clinton acquitted of the two articles of impeachment. Rejecting the first charge of perjury, 10 Republicans and all 45 Democrats vote “not guilty.” On the charge of obstruction of justice, the Senate split 50-50. Afterward, Clinton said he was “profoundly sorry” for the burden he imposed on the Congress and the American people. (see Clinton for expanded story)

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism


Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon

February 12, 2004: city officials in San Francisco began issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples and performed the first known civil marriage of a homosexual couple in the U.S. by marrying Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon. (see Feb 24)

Kentucky ban

February 12, 2014: U.S. District Judge John G. Heyburn II struck down part of the Kentucky ban that treated “gay and lesbian persons differently in a way that demeans them.” Heyburn concluded that the government may define marriage and attach benefits to it, but cannot “impose a traditional or faith-based limitation without a sufficient justification for it.” Kentucky must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. “Assigning a religious or traditional rationale for a law does not make it constitutional when that law discriminates against a class of people without other reasons.” (LGBTQ, see Feb 13; Kentucky, see Feb 27)


February 12, 2015: Judge Callie V. S. Granade of Federal District Court ordered Don Davis, a probate judge in Mobile County, AL, to comply with her earlier ruling and issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. In the decision, Granade ruled that Davis, must issue licenses to gay couples seeking to wed. “Judge Davis may not deny them a license on the ground that Plaintiffs constitute same-sex couples or because it is prohibited by the sanctity of marriage,” the decision said.

Judge Granade’s ruling was an effort to clariy that Mr. Davis should follow her earlier ruling striking down Alabama’s ban on same-sex marriage, rather than following a conflicting order from the chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Roy S. Moore. (see Feb 15)

Education Department

February 12, 2018: the Education Department told BuzzFeed News that it would not investigate or take action on any complaints filed by transgender students who schools banned from restrooms that match their gender identity, (see Feb 26)

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism


February 12, 2015: Montana District Judge Ed McLean said Markus Kaarma wasn’t defending his family but rather hunting someone when he shot and killed 17-year-old Diren Dede of Hamburg, Germany, a high school student who was trespassing in his garage. McLean sentenced Kaarma to 70 years in prison with no parole possible for at least 20 years.

Here you have a 12-guage shotgun, not to protect your family but to go after someone. And go after someone you did,” McLean said sternly in sentencing Kaarma for deliberate homicide . “You pose too great a risk to society to be anywhere else but the Montana State Prison,” McLean said. “Good luck to you, son.” (see May 29)

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism


February 12, 2024: NASA scientists’ analysis of fragments brought back on the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft from the Bennu asteroid, indicate that the material it contained originated from an ancient ocean world.

That assumption was based on the phosphate crust detected on the asteroid. The calcium and magnesium-rich phosphate mineral had never been seen before on meteorites.

The mineral’s chemistry bore a resemblance to that found in vapor shooting from beneath the icy crust of Saturn‘s moon, Enceladus. [Science Alert article] (next Space and next Bennu, see January 29, 2025)

February 12 Peace Love Art Activism

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism



February 11 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 11, 1790: The Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, composed mostly of Quakers and Mennonites, petitioned Congress for emancipation of all slaves. Benjamin Franklin served as president of the society. (see Mar 1)

George Whitmore, Jr

February 11, 1965: Whitmore’s attorney, Stanley J Reiben filed a motion asking Justice Malbin to set aside George Whitmore, Jr.’s conviction in the Elba Borrero attempted rape/robbery case on the grounds that police lacked probable cause to arrest Whitmore and that his confession, therefore, whether voluntary or involuntary, should have been suppressed at the trial. The motion stated that Detective Aidala had testified before the grand jury that he had arrested Whitmore on a Brooklyn street — a concession that police lacked probable cause.

The motion also stated that, in an unrelated case, Detective Edward Bulger (the detective who had incorrectly said the picture Whitmore had in his possession was one of  the murdered Janice Wylie) had obtained a confession from 22-year-old David Coleman to the 1960 murder of a 77-year-old woman in Brooklyn — a crime for which Coleman is on death row. (see Whitmore for expanded story)

Michael Griffith

February 11, 1988: Jason Ladone received a sentence of five to fifteen years imprisonment for the death of Michael Griffith. (BH, see October 2; Howard Beach, see July 31, 1989)

Nelson Mandela

February 11, 1990: Nelson Mandela, 71, released from Victor Verster Prison, near Cape Town, South Africa, after 27 years behind bars. (2015 NY Daily News article) (see June 10)

Stop and Frisk Policy

February 11, 2013: federal District Judge Shira Shindlin granted class-action status to a lawsuit seeking to stop the New York Police Department from conducting some “stop and frisk” searches of people outside certain residential buildings in the city’s Bronx borough. Shindlin found that a group of black and Latino residents in the Bronx could bring claims on behalf of a class of hundreds, and possibly thousands, of people at risk of being stopped outside the buildings. (see March 5)


February 11, 2017: yielding to a swelling tide of protests, the president of Yale announced that the university would change the name of a residential college commemorating John C. Calhoun, the 19th-century white supremacist statesman from South Carolina. The college will be renamed for Grace Murray Hopper, a trailblazing computer scientist and Navy rear admiral who received both a master’s degree and a doctorate from Yale.

The decision was a stark reversal of the university’s decision last spring to maintain the name despite broad opposition. Though the president, Peter Salovey, said that he was still “concerned about erasing history,” he said that “these are exceptional circumstances.” (see June 17)

Malcolm X

February 11, 2021: 55 years after Malcolm X’s assassination on February 21, 1965, the Manhattan district attorney’s office began to review whether to re-investigate the murder.

Some new evidence came from a six-part Netflix  documentary  called “Who Killed Malcolm X?” posited that two of the men convicted could not have been at the scene that day.

Instead it suggested that four members of a Nation of Islam mosque in Newark, N.J. were responsible, depicting their involvement as an open secret in their city. [NYT article] (next BH & MX, see Feb 21)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism


Emma Goldman

February 11, 1916: Goldman was scheduled to lecture on the “Philosophy of Atheism” at Vorwart Hall,  NYC. She was arrested as she was about to enter the building, and charged with violating Section 1142 of the New York State Penal Code for lecturing the previous Tuesday on a medical question (birth control) in defiance of the law.

Goldman was released on $500 bail. (see March 1, 1916; also see Goldman for expanded story)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism

US Labor History

February 11 Peace Love ActivismFebruary 11, 1937: the sit-down strike against General Motors ended with the company agreeing to recognize the United Automobile Workers Union. (see Feb 27)

Denver Teacher Strike

February 11, 2019: Denver teachers went on strike. The Denver Classroom Teachers Association and Denver Public Schools made a last-ditch effort to settle their differences two days earlier, but the talks went nowhere. 92,000 students were affected. (see Feb 14)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism

February 11 Music et al

The Beatles

February 11, 1963: at 10:00 am the Beatles and George Martin started recording what was essentially their 1963 live act and in three three-hour sessions. That day they produced an authentic representation of the band’s Cavern Club-era sound as there were very few overdubs and edits. (next Beatles, see Feb 22;  see Please Please Me for more about the album)

February 11, 1964: because of bad weather, The Beatles took a train to Washington, DC, rather than the scheduled plane to play their first US concert, A crowd of 8,092 fans, most of whom were girls, attended. The Beatles took to the stage at 8.31 pm, and performed 12 songs: Roll Over Beethoven, From Me To You, I Saw Her Standing There, This Boy, All My Loving, I Wanna Be Your Man, Please Please Me, Till There Was You, She Loves You, I Want To Hold Your Hand, Twist And Shout and Long Tall Sally. 

Also on the bill at the Coliseum were The Chiffons and Tommy Roe. However, The Chiffons were unable to make it due to the previous day’s snowstorm. Instead, the opening acts were Jay & The Americans, The Righteous Brothers and Tommy Roe. (see The Beatles Meet Washington) (next Beatles, see Feb 12)


February 11 – June 16, 1967: the Monkees More of the Monkees is the Billboard #1 album. Their first two albums occupied the #1 album position for 31 consecutive weeks.

Beat Generation

February 11, 2015: Montreal-based publisher Les Éditions du Boréal announced that it would release previously unseen texts by Jack Kerouac after striking a deal with his estate. The collection included a novella that is different from — but also titled — “On the Road” (“Sur le chemin”). Also published would be the beginning chapters of an unfinished novel entitled “La Nuit est ma femme.”

None of them have been published until now, except for a few passages that appeared in his English novels,” the  publisher Les Éditions du Boréal said in a statement.

The texts were written in Kerouac’s native French and will also be translated into English for the non-profit Library of America by University of Pennsylvania. (Star article) (next BG, see February 22, 2021)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism


POW release

February 11 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 11, 1973: North Vietnam released the first American prisoners of war. (see Feb 13)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism

Environmental  Issues

February 11, 1974:  Washington Energy Conference opens. Attended by 13 industrial and oil producing nations. Called by U.S. to resolve the international energy problems through economic cooperation among nations. Henry Kissinger unveiled Nixon Administration’s seven-point “Project Independence” plan to make the U.S. energy independent. (see December 15, 1976)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism

Native Americans

“Longest Walk”

February 11 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 11 to July 1978: Indian participants embarked on the “Longest Walk” from Alcatraz Island to Washington, D.C. to symbolize the forced removal of Indians from their homelands and to draw attention to continuing problems. They present a manifesto to the Carter administration. (see Mar 6)

“Walk for Justice”

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism

February 11 – July 15, 1994: AIM leaders undertook a nationwide “Walk for Justice” beginning on Alcatraz Island to bring attention to the continued imprisonment of Leonard Peltier. (next Native Americans, see May 24, 1996; next Peltier, see October 8, 2012; )

Longest Walk of 2008

February 11 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 11, 2008: more than 800 participants from many Indian nations repeated the Longest Walk of 1978 to draw attention to protection of sacred sites, youth empowerment, and Native American rights. The walk begins with a ceremony on Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay, and the promise to “sit around the campfires along the way, tell our stories, hear the tales that people on our route have to tell us.” (see July 11)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism

Iran hostage crisis

February 11, 1979: followers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini overthrew Mohammad Rezā Shāh Pahlavi and seized power in Iran, nine days after the religious leader returned to his home country following 15 years of exile. (see Iran hostages for expanded story)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism


February 11, 1989: Barbara Clementine Harris was consecrated as the first female bishop of the Episcopal Church in the USA. (see  March 9, 1990)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism


February 11, 1998: First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton predicted the allegations against her husband “will slowly dissipate over time under the weight of its own insubstantiality.” A retired Secret Service uniformed guard, Lewis C. Fox, claimed in an interview he saw Monica Lewinsky come to the West Wing on weekends with documents she said were for the president. (see CI for expanded chronology)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism


February 11, 2008: the Defense Department charged Khalid Sheikh Mohammed with murder and war crimes in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks. (related NYT article) (see July 27)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism
LGBTQ, Feminism, Sexual Abuse of Children, & Women’s Health

February 11, 2013: citing health reasons, the Roman Catholic Church’s Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would resign the papacy at the end February. According to the NY Times, “When he took office, Pope Benedict’s well-known stands included the assertion that Catholicism is “true” and other religions are “deficient;” that the modern, secular world, especially in Europe, is spiritually weak; and that Catholicism is in competition with Islam. He had also strongly opposed homosexuality, the ordination of women priests and stem cell research.” (LGBTQ, see Feb 19; Feminism, see Feb 22; Women’s Health, see April 29; Sexual Abuse, see Dec 5)

LGBTQ/Fair Housing

February 11, 2021:  consistent with President Biden’s Executive Order that implemented the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 15, 2020 ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County,  the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) put forth a memorandum to enforce the Fair Housing Act to prevent and combat sex discrimination including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. [HRC.org article) (next FH, see June 1; next LGBTQ, see Feb 24)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism


February 11, 2014: the governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, announced that no executions would take place in the state while he remained in office, despite the fact that the death penalty was legal there.

Citing “problems that exist in our capital punishment system,” Mr. Inslee, a Democrat, said he would issue a reprieve in any death penalty case that crossed his desk, though he would not let any death row prisoners go free. A future governor could reverse this action, he noted, and order an execution to be carried out. (see Mar 11)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism

Immigration History

Undocumented arrested

February 11, 2017: U.S. immigration authorities announced that they had arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states between Monday February 6 and Friday February 10 in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s January 25 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

Officials said the raids targeted known criminals, but they also netted some immigrants without criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration. Trump’s order substantially broadened the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all. (see Feb 13)

Trump’s Wall

February 11, 2019: Gov. Gavin Newsom of California ordered the withdrawal of nearly 400 of his state’s National Guard troops from deployment along the border with Mexico and assigned them to other duties.

The step to rescind state authorization for the border deployment was a sharp rebuke of President Trump’s continued warnings that undocumented migrants present a national security risk to the United States.

Under a “general order,”110 California National Guard troops would be redirected to support the state’s central fire agency, Cal Fire, and another 100 will work on statewide “intelligence operations” aimed at international criminal drug gangs. (see TW for expanded chronology)

Immigrant families sue

February 11, 2019:  lawyers for eight immigrant families separated under Trump administration policy filed claims against the US government, demanding $6m each in damages for what they describe as “inexplicable cruelty” and lasting trauma.

In claims filed to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security, the parents accuse immigration officers of taking their children away without giving them information, sometimes without even a chance to say goodbye.

The claims alleged the children remained traumatized, including a seven-year-old girl who would not sleep without her mother and a six-year-old boy who is reluctant to eat. (IH, see Feb 15)

February 11 Peace Love Art Activism

Nuclear/Chemical News

February 11, 2017:

  • North Korea launched a ballistic missile toward the sea off its eastern coast in what South Korea called the North’s first attempt to test President Trump’s policy on the isolated country. The missile was believed to be a modified version of the North’s intermediate-range ballistic missile Musudan.
  • President Trump and his top aides coordinated their response to North Korea’s missile test  in full view of diners at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Floridal, af presidential activity that was almost always conducted in highly secure settings. The scene — of aides huddled over their computers and the president on his cellphone at his club’s terrace — was captured by a club member dining not far away and published in pictures on his Facebook account. The images also show Mr. Trump conferring with his guest at the resort, Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister. (see Feb 14)
    February 11 Peace Love Art Activism

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism


Eli Pigot lynched

February 10, 1908: a mob of more than 2,000 white people in Brookhaven, Mississippi  lynched Eli Pigot, a black man, accused of assaulting a white woman.

According to news reports, police deputies and armed military guards transported Pigot from Jackson to Brookhaven to stand trial. Upon arrival in Brookhaven, the lynch mob briefly scuffled with the military guards before seizing him, kicking and beating him, and then hanging him from a telephone pole less than a hundred yards from the Lincoln County Courthouse. The mob then riddled Mr. Pigot’s corpse with bullets as it swung from the pole. [EJI article] (next BH, see Mar 27; next Lynching, see Aug 14; for for expanded chronology, see American Lynching 2)

Montgomery Bus Boycott

February 10, 1956; eleven thousand people attending a Citizens’ Council rally in Montgomery cheer Mayor Gayle and Police Commissioner Sellers for their support of segregation on Montgomery buses. (see MBB for expanded chronology)

Civil Rights Bill of 1964

February 10, 1964: the House of Representatives passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 by a vote of 290 to 130. (see Feb 15)

Nelson Mandela

February 10, 1985: South Africa’s president, P. W. Botha, offered to free Mr. Mandela if he renounced violence. Mr. Mandela refuses, saying the government must first dismantle apartheid. (SA/A, see Mar 21; Mandela, see December 7, 1988)

Michael Griffith murder

February 10, 1987: authorities charged the three white teen-agers from Queens (Jon Lester, Scott Kern and Jason Ladone) with murder and charged nine others  with lesser crimes in the second attempt by authorities to identify and prosecute participants in the Howard Beach racial attack of Michael Griffith and others.

Their original indictments had been dismissed after the witnesses refused to cooperate in the case. (BH, see Feb 20; Howard Beach, see Dec 21)

Ron Brown

February 10, 1989: Ron Brown elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee, becoming the first African American to lead a major US political party. (see July 31)

Barack Obama

February 10, 2007:Barack Obama declared his candidacy for President.

Stop and Frisk Policy

February 10, 2012: Brooklyn area state legislators introduced legislation that would establish an NYPD independent inspector general position. The call for such a move came from NYPD surveillance of the Muslim community and stop-and-frisk. (NYCLU report 2002 – 2016 that points out that nine out of 10 stopped and frisked New Yorkers had been found completely innocent) (see Feb 14)

Lynching in America

February 10, 2015: The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documented EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in those states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date. (EJI pdf of report) (next, BH, see Mar 3; next Lynching, see November 22, 2021; for expanded chronology of lynching, see also AL4)

Church Burning

February 10, 2020: CBS News reported that Holden Matthews, the sheriff’s deputy’s son who was arrested in a series of fires set at African American churches in Louisiana in the spring of 2019 pleaded guilty to four federal criminal counts. Matthews, 22, admitted he set the fires to raise his profile as an aspiring “black metal” musician, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a statement.

The statement from federal prosecutors said that Matthews pleaded guilty to three counts of intentional damage to religious property, a federal hate crime carrying a possible 20-year sentence per count. He also pleaded to one count of using fire to commit a felony, which has a possible 10-year sentence. He entered the pleas in federal court in Lafayette. Three churches were burned in a span of 10 days, beginning in late March 2019, in an area roughly 140 miles west of New Orleans in St. Landry Parish. (next BH, see June 3; next CB & Matthews, see Nov 2)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism

US Labor History

Akron rubber strike
February 10 Peace Love Art Activism
A woman collects funds to aid the children of rubber workers involved in the I.W.W. strike

February 10, 1914: rubber workers belonging to the Industrial Workers of the World went on strike in Akron, Ohio. The rubber companies broke the strike through heavy-handed tactics, including the organization of a Citizens’ Police Association, comprising 1,000 vigilantes, and institution of martial law. (see Feb 13)

Carpenters shot and killed

February 10, 1963:  eleven members of the Carpenters’ union in Reesor Siding, Northern Ontario are shot, three fatally, by independent local farmer-settlers who were supplying wood to a Spruce Falls Power and Paper Co. plant. Some 400 union members were attempting to block an outbound shipment from the plant. The action came as the company was insisting on a pay freeze and two months of seven-day-a-week work. (see Apr 1)

Staten Island gas explosion

February 10 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 10, 1973: a storage tank filled with liquefied gas on Staten Island, NY exploded and killed forty workers. (NYT article) (see May 30)

United Farm Workers

February 10, 1979: 22 days into a bitter vegetable strike, United Farm Workers member, Rufino Contreras, 28, and half a dozen fellow strikers walked into an Imperial Valley lettuce field owned by Mario Saikhon to talk with a crew of imported scabs. Three armed company foremen opened up with a vicious crossfire. Rufino fell face down in a muddy row, shot in the face. His father Lorenzo, brother Jose Luis, and other Saikhon strikers tried to aid Rufino, but they were kept away for more than an hour by continuing gunfire from the foremen. Finally, sheriff’s deputies arrived and called an ambulance. Rufino died in the hospital. in Imperial Valley; moratorium called for 25 days on strike (see Mar 8)


Voting Rights

February 10, 1919: U.S. Senate defeated federal woman suffrage amendment by one vote, 33 nays to 63 yeas. (see Feb 15)

The Red Scare

February 10 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 10, 1944: the MGM movies released Song of Russia. The plot of the fictional movie is an account of an American Conductor John Meredith (Robert Taylor) and his manager, Hank Higgins (Robert Benchley). They go to Russia shortly before the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. Meredith falls in love with beautiful Soviet pianist Nadya Stepanova (Susan Peters). They travel throughout the country on a 40-city tour. Along the way, they see happy, healthy, smiling, free Soviet citizens, blissfully living the Communist dream. This bliss is destroyed by the German invasion. (Song of Russia, see October 20, 1947)

Religion and Public Education

In 1945: in the postwar era, Americans flock to church in record numbers, swelling the growth of traditional denominations — Methodists, Baptists, Disciples of Christ, Lutherans and Presbyterians. Church building booms; Bible sales skyrocket. Amid the prosperity, the United States and the Soviet Union face off in the Cold War, a spiritual struggle that pits Christian America against “godless communism.” (Religion, see July 1945; CW, see Feb 4)

James B. Donovan


February 10, 1962:  after James B. Donovan negotiated the exchange, U2 pilot Gary Powers and  American student Frederic Pryor were exchanged for Soviet KGB Colonel Vilyam Fisher, who had been jailed as a Soviet spy. Ironically, Donovan had been Fisher’s defense lawyer. (see Feb 16)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism

Religion and Public Education

February 10, 1947:  the US Supreme Court ruled in the case of Everson v. Board of Education, Township of Ewing that New Jersey’s law subsidizing the transportation of students to Catholic schools on public buses was not a violation of the establishment clause. The Court argued that transportation, like police and fire protection, appropriately advances the public welfare, and that the child, not the religious school, was the primary beneficiary of the aid. Therefore the state’s practice does not violate the First Amendment. (see June 2)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism

February 10 Music et al

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

February 10 – April 6, 1962: soundtrack from Breakfast at Tiffany’s is the Billboard #1 stereo album.

The Beatles

February 10, 1967: Beatles finished the recording of ‘A Day In The Life’ with one of the most famous chords in rock music. The Beatles had originally recorded an ending of their voices humming the chord, but even after multiple overdubs, it wasn’t what they wanted.

To achieve the sound they wanted, all four Beatles and their road manager, Mal Evans, played an E Major chord on 3 separate pianos. They let the chord ring out for as long as possible while producer George Martin had to keep turning up the volume of the mics to capture the sound. If you listen closely on a good stereo, you can hear the sound of studio noises at the end. (see March 18 – 24)

Love Is Blue

February 10 – March 15, 1968: “Love Is Blue” by Paul Mauriat #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. The first instrumental to hit number 1 on the Billboard charts since the Tornados hit with “Telstar” in 1962 and the only American number-one single to be recorded in France.

John Lennon

February 10, 1986: release of Live in New York City, John Lennon’s last full-length concert performance. (see January 20, 1988)

Road to Woodstock

February 10, 1969: Michael Lang and Artie Kornfeld met with John Roberts and Joel Rosenman the second time. The idea of a concert to promote the proposed recording studio was discussed. (see Road for expanded story)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism


Qui Nhon

February 10, 1965: Viet Cong guerrillas blew up the U.S. barracks at Qui Nhon, 75 miles east of Pleiku on the central coast, with a 100-pound explosive charge under the building. The blast killed 23 U.S. personnel and two Viet Cong. In response to the attack, President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered a retaliatory air strike operation on North Vietnam called Flaming Dart II. (see Feb 13)


February 10, 1966: David Miller was convicted of burning his draft card. (also see David Miller) (Vietnam, see Mar 5 – Apr 8; DCB, see Mar 31)

Nuclear Option

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism

February 10, 1968:   General Westmoreland had activated a secret operation, code-named Fracture Jaw, that included moving nuclear weapons into South Vietnam so that they could be used on short notice against North Vietnamese troops.

On this date, President Lyndon B. Johnson forcefully overruled the activation.

According to Tom Johnson, then a young special assistant to the president and note-taker at the meetings on the issue,  “When he learned that the planning had been set in motion, he was extraordinarily upset and forcefully sent word through Rostow [Walt W. Rostow, the White House national security adviser], …to Westmoreland, to shut it down,” Johnson said in an interview.

Johnson said the president’s fear was “a wider war” in which the Chinese would enter the fray, as they had in Korea in 1950.  (see Feb 13)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism

Consumer Protection

Unsafe at Any Speed

February 10, 1966: Ralph Nader, a young lawyer and the author of the groundbreaking book “Unsafe at Any Speed: The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile,” testified before Congress for the first time about unsafe practices in the auto industry. By the mid-1960s, U.S. automakers were still largely unregulated. Nader’s book, which was published in November 1965, accused car companies of designing vehicles with an emphasis on style and power at the expense of consumer safety. One chapter of “Unsafe at Any Speed” focused on handling problems with the Chevrolet Corvair, a car produced by auto giant General Motors (GM).

Shortly after Nader’s congressional testimony, the news media reported that Nader had been followed by detectives. It was later determined that starting in early February 1966, GM sent investigators to spy on Nader and look into his personal life in an effort to discredit him. Nader sued GM for harassment and invasion of privacy and won a settlement. The publicity surrounding GM’s actions helped make “Unsafe at Any Speed” a best-seller and turn Ralph Nader a household name. (NYT 50th anniversary article) (see June 24)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism

25th Amendment

February 10, 1967: the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution (presidential succession and disability) ratified.

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism


February 10, 1998: Monica Lewinsky’s mother, Marcia Lewis, appeared before the grand jury. Ken Starr and his investigators suspect Lewis was aware of her daughter’s alleged affair with President Bill Clinton. (see Clinton for expanded story)

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February 10, 1998: voters in Maine repealed a gay rights law passed in 1997 (see April 1, 1998)


February 10 Peace Love Art ActivismFebruary 10, 2010: Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced an award totaling $900,000 over three years to Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) to establish the nation’s first national resource center to assist communities across the country in their efforts to provide services and supports for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ) individuals. “The Resource Center will provide information, assistance and resources for both mainstream aging organizations and LGBTQ organizations and will provide assistance to LGBTQ individuals as they plan for future long-term care needs,” said Secretary Sebelius. (SAGE site) (see Mar 3)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism


February 10, 2003: Iraq agreed to allow U-2 surveillance flights over its territory, meeting a key demand by U.N. inspectors searching for banned weapons; President George W. Bush brushed aside Iraqi concessions as too little, too late. (see Mar 17)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism

Nuclear/Chemical Weapons News

February 10, 2005:  North Korea announced that it possessed nuclear weapons as a protection against the hostility it feels from the US. (Washington Post article) (see March 21,  2008)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism

Native Americans

February 10, 2014: Senator Maria Cantwell, Democrat of Washington State and chairwoman of the Indian Affairs Committee, and Representative Tom Cole, Republican of Oklahoma and a member of the Native American Caucus sent a strongly worded letter to Roger Goodell, the commissioner of the National Football League, urging him to support changing the name of the Washington Redskins because it offended Native Americans and others, with Cantwell saying she might reconsider the league’s tax-exempt status if it does not comply.

Cantwell said in an interview that lawmakers would “definitely” examine the N.F.L.’s tax-exempt status and other ways to pressure the league. “You’re getting a tax break for educational purposes, but you’re still embracing a name that people see as a slur and encouraging it.” (see May 27)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism


February 10, 2021: Larry Flynt, a ninth-grade dropout who built a $400 million empire of raunchy publications, strip clubs and “adult” shops around his sexually explicit magazine Hustler, and spent decades battling obscenity and libel charges as a self-promoting champion of freedom of the press, died at his home in Los Angeles. He was 78.

Flynt’s most significant legal victory came in a long fight against the Rev. Jerry Falwell, the television evangelist and founder of the Moral Majority, who sued for $45 million for libel and emotional distress in 1983 after Hustler published a parody in which he reminisced about a sexual encounter with his mother in an outhouse.

A jury rejected the libel charge, saying the parody was obviously not factual, but awarded Falwell $200,000 for emotional distress.

In 1988, the Supreme Court unanimously threw out the damages, calling the parody constitutionally protected political satire.

Flynt hailed the decision as the most important First Amendment victory since the obscenity ban on James Joyce’s “Ulysses” was overturned in the 1930s. (next FS, see June 23)

February 10 Peace Love Art Activism