April 16, 1962: Dylan debuted his song “Blowin’ in the Wind” at Gerde’s Folk City in New York.
Broadside magazine published the song for the first time in May 1962 in its sixth issue. In June 1962, Sing Out published the song. In comments there, Dylan cryptically explained:
There ain’t too much I can say about this song except that the answer is blowing in the wind. It ain’t in no book or movie or TV show or discussion group. Man, it’s in the wind — and it’s blowing in the wind. Too many of these hip people are telling me where the answer is but oh I won’t believe that. I still say it’s in the wind and just like a restless piece of paper it’s got to come down some … But the only trouble is that no one picks up the answer when it comes down so not too many people get to see and know … and then it flies away. I still say that some of the biggest criminals are those that turn their heads away when they see wrong and know it’s wrong. I’m only 21 years old and I know that there’s been too many … You people over 21, you’re older and smarter.
Columbia Records released the song as a single and on Dylan’s first album, Bob Dylan, in 1963, but it was Peter, Paul and Mary’s cover that made the song a hit. The single sold a phenomenal 300,000 copies in the first week of release and made the song world-famous. On August 17, 1963, it reached number two on Billboard, with sales exceeding one million copies.(see Apr 25)
April 16 Music et al
Rolling Stones
April 16, 1964: recorded between January 3 and February 25, 1964 in London’s Regent Studios, Decca Records released the Rolling Stones début album, The Rolling Stones (England’s Newest Hitmakers) in the UK.
The US release came on May 30 on London Records. Only one of the songs was composed by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards (“Tell Me (You’re Coming Back”) Nanker Phelge wrote two: Now I’ve Got a Witness and Little By Little. Phelge was a name invented by the band for a band composition.
As was often the case, the UK release and US release differed in their track listings. The UK release was:
Side one:
Route 66
I Just Want to Make Love to You
Honest I Do
Mona (I Need You Baby)
Now I’ve Got a Witness”
Little By Little
Side two:
I’m a King Bee
Tell Me (You’re Coming Back)
Can I Get a Witness
You Can Make It If You Try
Walking the Dog
The US release track listing was:
Side One:
Not Fade Away
Route 66
I Just Want to Make Love to You
Honest I Do
Now I’ve Got a Witness
Little By Little
Side Two:
I’m a King Bee
Tell Me
Can I Get A Witness
You Can Make It if you Try
Walking the Dog
April 16 Music et al
Herb Albert
April 16 – May 20, 1966: Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass’s Going Places album returned to the Billboard #1 album. It was Albert’s fifth album. The song “Spanish Flea” was often heard on the TV show The Dating Game.
“Celebration of the Abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia by the Colored People, in Washington, April 19, 1866.” sketched by F. Dielman; Harper’s Weekly, May 12, 1866. The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship.
April 16, 1862: President Lincoln signed an act abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia. (seeMay 1)
Boston Red Sox “Tryouts”
April 16, 1945: the Boston Red Sox reluctantly held a Major League tryout for Black ballplayers in the Negro Baseball League that many regarded as some of the best players in the world, but refused to sign any of them due to “an unwritten rule at that time against hiring Black players.”
Future Hall-of-Famer Jackie Robinson, along with Marvin Williams and Sam Jethroe, traveled thousands of miles to attend the tryouts. During the workout, which was attended only by Red Sox team management, players were taunted and endured shouts from the stands including “get those niggers off the field.” Red Sox managers abandoned all three Black ballplayers and sent them home without contracts or even the courtesy of a response from the team managers.
The Boston Red Sox remained segregated until 1959—14 years after Jackie Robinson’s original tryout and two seasons after Mr. Robinson retired. The team rostered its first Black player, Pumpsie Green, only after the NAACP charged them with racial discrimination and the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination forced them to integrate. They were the last team in MLB to accept Black players. [EJI article] (next BH, see June 12)
The Greensboro Four
April 16 – 17, 1960: Easter weekend, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) organized a meeting of sit-in students from all over the nation at Shaw University in Raleigh, N.C. Leader Ella Baker encouraged students to form the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC, pronounced “snick”) to organize the effort.
SNCC helped coordinate sit-ins and other direct action. From their ranks came many of today’s leaders, including Congressman John Lewis and longtime NAACP leader Julian Bond. At the conference, Guy Carawan sang a new version of “We Shall Overcome,” which became the national anthem of the civil rights movement. Workers joined hands and gently swayed in time, singing “black and white together,” repeating, “Deep in my heart, I do believe, we shall overcome some day.” (see Greensboro for expanded story)
April 16, 1963: King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” responding to eight white clergymen from Alabama who had chastised him breaking the law released. King reminded them that everything that Adolf Hitler did in Germany was “legal” and everything the freedom fighters did in Hungary was “illegal.” The letter was released on this date.
“While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities “unwise and untimely.” Martin Luther King writes “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” arguing that individuals have the moral duty to disobey unjust laws. “Never before have I written so long a letter. I’m afraid it is much too long to take your precious time. I can assure you that it would have been much shorter if I had been writing from a comfortable desk, but what else can one do when he is alone in a narrow jail cell, other than write long letters, think long thoughts and pray long prayers?” [link to PDF of Letter] (BH, see Apr 23; MLK, see June 11)
George Whitmore, Jr
April 16, 1979: The NY Times reported that Whitmore’s $10 million claim against New York City for improper arrest and imprisonment and his request for a jury trial were dismissed for technical reasons the previous week by Justice William Bellard in State Supreme Court. (see Whitmore for expanded story)
Rodney King attack
April 16, 1993: federal jury convicted Sgt. Stacey Koon and Laurence Michael Powell on one charge of violating King’s civil rights. Officers Timothy Wind, and Theodore Briseno were found not guilty. No disturbances follow the verdict. (BH, see May 28; King, see Aug 4)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
US Labor History
Int’l Ladies’ Garment Workers Union
April 16, 1916: in a dispute over hiring practices, employers locked out 25,000 New York City garment workers. The Int’l Ladies’ Garment Workers Union called a general strike and after 14 weeks, 60,000 strikers won union recognition and the contractual right to strike (see June 3)
April 16, 1943: In Basel, Switzerland, Albert Hoffman, a Swiss chemist working at the Sandoz pharmaceutical research laboratory, accidentally consumed LSD-25, a synthetic drug he had created in 1938 as part of his research into the medicinal value of lysergic acid compounds. After taking the drug, formally known as lysergic acid diethylamide, Dr. Hoffman was disturbed by unusual sensations and hallucinations. In his notes, he related the experience: “Last Friday, April 16, 1943, I was forced to interrupt my work in the laboratory in the middle of the afternoon and proceed home, being affected by a remarkable restlessness, combined with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant, intoxicated-like condition characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed (I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring), I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours this condition faded away.” (see Hoffman for expanded story)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
Cold War
Bernard Baruch
April 16, 1947: multimillionaire and financier Bernard Baruch, in a speech given during the unveiling of his portrait in the South Carolina House of Representatives, coins the term “Cold War“ to describe relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. He said it was only through “unity” between labor and management that the United States could hope to play its role as the major force by which “the world can renew itself physically or spiritually.” He called for longer workweeks, no-strike pledges from unions, and no-layoff pledges from management. It was imperative that American business and industry pull itself together, Baruch warned. “Let us not be deceived-we are today in the midst of a cold war.” And thus the term was coined and the media adopted. (see May 22)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
Environmental Issues
Texas City explosion
April 16, 1947: 2,300 tons of ammonium nitrate on board a ship docked in the port of Texas City detonate, setting off a chain reaction of explosions and fires on other ships and nearby oil storage facilities. The explosion killed at least 581 people and injured thousands in the deadliest industrial disaster in U.S. history. As a result, changes in chemical manufacturing and new regulations for the bagging, handling, and shipping of chemicals were enacted. (see March 24, 1955)
April 16, 2020: the NY Times reported that the Trump administration had weakened regulations on the release of mercury and other toxic metals from oil and coal-fired power plants, another step toward rolling back health protections in the middle of a pandemic.
The final Environmental Protection Agency rule did not eliminate restrictions on the release of mercury, a heavy metal linked to brain damage. Instead, it created a new method of calculating the costs and benefits of curbing mercury pollution that environmental lawyers said would fundamentally undermine the legal underpinnings of controls on mercury and many other pollutants.
By reducing the positive health effects of regulations on paper, while raising their negative economic costs, the new method could be used to justify loosening restrictions on any pollutant that the fossil fuel industry has deemed too costly to control. (next EI, see July 6)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
Nuclear/Chemical News
Tybee bomb
April 16, 1958: the military announced that the search efforts for the Tybee bomb (see February 5, 1958) had been unsuccessful. Based upon a hydrologic survey, the bomb was thought by the Department of Energy to lie buried under 5 to 15 feet of silt at the bottom of Wassaw Sound. The Tybee Bomb remaining buried would be a positive thing because if the bomb’s alloy casing were exposed to seawater by the shifting strata in which it is presumed to be buried, rapid corrosion could occur. That would allow the highly enriched uranium to leach out of the device and enter the aquifer that surrounds the continental shelf in this area. (see Aug 24)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
April 16 Music et al
April 16, 1961: about 500 persons attended a rally at in the Baptist Church near Washington Square to protest the the ban against Sunday singing and performing in Washington Square. (see NYC bans for expanded story)
Bob Dylan
April 16, 1962: Dylan debuted his song “Blowin’ in the Wind” at Gerde’s Folk City in New York. (see Apr 25)
Rolling Stones
April 16, 1964. the Rolling Stones released their début album, The Rolling Stones (England’s Newest Hitmakers).
Herb Albert
April 16 – May 20, 1966: Herb Albert’s Going Places returns as to the Billboard #1 album.
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
Space Race
Apollo 16
April 16 – 27, 1972: Apollo 16 voyage. It will land on the moon and travel almost 17 miles with the lunar rover. Commander, John W Young; Charles M Duke, Jr, Lunar Module Pilot; and Thomas K Mattingly II, Command Module Pilot. (see Dec 7– 19)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
Resumed bombing Hanoi
April 16, 1972: in an effort to help blunt the ongoing North Vietnamese Nguyen Hue Offensive, the US resumed bombing Hanoi and Haiphong after a four-year lull. In the first use of B-52s against both Hanoi and Haiphong, and the first attacks against both cities since November 1968, 18 B-52s and about 100 U.S. Navy and Air Force fighter-bombers struck supply dumps near Haiphong’s harbor. Sixty fighter-bombers hit petroleum storage facilities near Hanoi, with another wave of planes striking later in the afternoon. White House spokesmen announced that the US would bomb military targets anywhere in Vietnam in order to help the South Vietnamese defend against the communist onslaught. (see Apr 22)
My Lai Massacre
April 16, 1974: Lieutenant Calley’s sentence was further reduced from 20 years to 10 years. Calley will return to the stockade from house arrest, but will be released on parole that November. In total, Calley serves four months in a stockade. (seeMy Laifor expanded story; next Vietnam, see Sept 16)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
April 16, 1998: Ken Starr withdrew from consideration for the deanship at Pepperdine University Law School. Starr said an end to the Whitewater investigation “was not yet in sight.” Bernard Lewinsky lashed out at Kenneth Starr, calling the treatment of his daughter “unconscionable.” He also asked for help in paying the former intern’s legal bills. (see Clinton for expanded story)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
Dissolution of the USSR
April 16, 2003: 10 countries signed the 2003 Treaty of Accession admitting them to the European Union (EU). After Malta and Cyprus, eight of the ten new EU nations (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) were former communist countries. The signing of the treaty in Athens marked the first time that former members of the Soviet Bloc joined the EU. (U of Pittsburgh article) (see USSR for expanded chronology)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
Iraq War II
April 16, 2007: “As of Sunday, April 15, 2007, at least 3,300 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.” [AP, 4/16/07] (NBC News article) (seeApr 25)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
Baze v. Rees
April 16, 2008: in Baze v. Rees the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a particular method of lethal injection used for capital punishment. Ralph Baze and Thomas Bowling (sentenced to death in Kentucky) had argued that executing them by lethal injection would violate the Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. The governing legal standard required that lethal injection must not inflict “unnecessary pain”, and Baze and Bowling argued that the lethal chemicals Kentucky used carried an unnecessary risk of inflicting pain during the execution.
The case had nationwide implications because the specific “cocktail” used for lethal injections in Kentucky was the same that virtually all states used for lethal injection. (Oyez article) (see September 30, 2009)
April 16 Peace Love Art Activism
Immigration History
April 16, 2019: the Department of Justice issued an order that could keep thousands of asylum-seekers detained while they wait for their cases to be heard in immigration court — a wait that often lasted months or years.
The ruling by Attorney General William Barr was the latest step by the Trump administration designed to discourage asylum-seekers from coming to the U.S. hoping for refuge.
In a written decisionthat overturned a 2005 policy, Barr directed immigration judges not to release migrants on bail once their cases have been approved for expedited removal proceedings — a status granted only after an applicant successfully establishes “a credible fear of persecution or torture” in the home country. (seeApr 18)
One of the most common comments I hear while volunteering at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts is “How come they don’t make music like that anymore?”
“That” being music like the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, or some other dead band or musician of the 1960s.
I have two answers to that question.
On a deeper level, we first experience music at a time and place in our lives that connects those musicians to us in a unique way. Since we can never experience that music again in the same way, it holds a landmark place in our personal history and life view.
As I say, that’s the deeper level answer.
2. On a simpler level, the answer is that “They” already make music like that, but are we are willing to set aside those personal landmarks for a moment?
Tash Sultana Already
Tiny Desk Concerts
NPR’s Tiny Desk series is a gold mine of new music. Host Bob Boilen [retired from NPR on October 2, 2023] described the show as one with “intimate video performances, recorded live at the desk of All Songs Considered….”
All Songs Considered is the key phrase. If we are searching for golden music, we must be willing to put in the time to pan through a lot of grit, get uncomfortable, and have patience.
Tash Sultana Already Does
Gold in the Cloud
Gold there is, though, in them there sound clouds.
Tiny Desk featured Sultana on April 7, 2017. I was simply surfing the show’s many offerings, but I stayed with her a bit to watch her build the song “Jungle.”
Here is the link to Sultana’s mesmerizing 25 minute 37 second Tiny Desk performance
It wasn’t the first time that I’ve seen a single musician use modern electronics to build sounds into a song. For some, such construction is cheating. The sounds are not “real.” Songs need several musicians, not one. To me, that thinking is weak since any electric music is manipulated sound. And acoustic musicians use all kinds of techniques to change acoustics.
Tash Sultana Already Does
Five days one million
In 2016, Sultana posted this video of herself performing/creating “Jungle” in her living room. It fools you because it looks like there is far too much music to come from just one person.
One cute part of the video is when her mom sticks her head around the hallway corner at 2:23.
In its first five days on YouTube, the video had one million views! As of April 2019? Nearly 40 million views!!!
Tash Sultana Already Does
Vein of gold
Tash Sultana associates with the musicians’ site Bandcamp.com. We don’t listen to music on the radio anymore. We stream music and Bandcamp is a streaming site.
Its difference is that it is also a platform for artist promotion, particularly independent artists. Artists can post their music for free and we can listen for free.
The idea is that if you like what you hear you can buy the music. The idea apparently works since the site recently posted the following:
Fans have paid artists $1.25 billion using Bandcamp, and $194 million in the last year
Bandcamp describes Sultana as “…a roots reggae/folk inspired singer/songwriter from Melbourne, Victoria. Since having her hands wrapped around a guitar at the mere age of three, the self taught artist was only destined to expand over the coming years.“
For me, it answers the question…
How Come They Don’t?
Because Tash Sultana does already. And she continues to have an energetic tour schedule to put it mildly!
She has released lots of music, her most recent being her Sugar EP in 2023.
Tash Sultana Already Does
What's so funny about peace, love, art, and activism?