Category Archives: Music et al

Paul Butterfield Blues Band album

Paul Butterfield Blues Band album

released October 1965

Paul Butterfield Blues Band album

In October 1965, future Woodstock Music and Art Fair performers the Paul Butterfield Blues Band released their first album: The Paul Butterfield Blues Band. Paul Butterfield was 23; Mike Bloomfield was 22; Elvin Bishop was 23; Mark Naftalin was 21; Jerome Arnold was 28; and Sam Lay was 30. (only Butterfield himself would be in the Woodstock line up.)

Lining two walls in downstairs hallway of the Bethel Woods Center for the Arts are pictures and brief bios of each band and its members who performed at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair. When I watch or listen to guests visiting the Museum, the usual artists they hover over or speak about are Jimi Hendrix, the Band, Janis Joplin, the Who, or other so-called “big names.”

I cannot remember any guest hovering at the Paul Butterfield  Blues Band.

They should be.

Paul Butterfield Blues Band album

Paul Butterfield Blues Band

Rock and Rolls’ roots are obviously from rhythm and blues whose roots are simply the blues. Jimi, Robbie, Janis, and Pete would all acknowledge and tip their hats to a Paul Butterfield for so brilliantly playing those blues.

The band’s first album is an excellent example of the style and strength the various band line-ups presented over its time.

All Music’s Mike DeGagne says this about the first album:

…a wonderfully messy and boisterous display of American-styled blues, with intensity and pure passion derived from every bent note. In front of all these instruments is Butterfield’s harmonica, beautifully dictating a mood and a genuine feel that is no longer existent, even in today’s blues music. Each song captures the essence of Chicago blues in a different way, from the back-alley feel of “Born in Chicago” to the melting ease of Willie Dixon’s “Mellow Down Easy” to the authentic devotion that emanates from Bishop and Butterfield’s “Our Love Is Drifting.” “Shake Your Money Maker,” “Blues With a Feeling,” and “I Got My Mojo Working” (with Lay on vocals) are all equally moving pieces performed with a raw adoration for blues music. Best of all, the music that pours from this album is unfiltered…blared, clamored, and let loose, like blues music is supposed to be released.”

You should give it a listen, again I hope, but if not for the first of what will likely be many times.

Paul Butterfield Blues Band album

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism


Monroeville, AL lynching

October 13, 1892:  a large white lynch mob killed Burrell Jones, Moses Jones, Jim Packard, and an unidentified fourth victim – all young black men – outside Monroeville, Alabama. News reports from the time vary greatly in listing the young men’s names and ages, but several reports indicate that the eldest of the four was nineteen years old, and that at least one of the others may have been as young as fifteen.

A couple of days before the lynchings, a white farmer and his daughter were murdered and their home set on fire. In the aftermath, nearly a dozen African American men and boys were arrested, jailed, and accused of committing or being an accomplice to the crime.

After law enforcement officials were able to coerce one of the accused into giving a “confession” that implicated three others, all four young men were declared suspects.

Once news of the “confession” spread, a mob of white men from Monroeville and surrounding communities went to the jail and demanded a lynching. In response, law enforcement officials handed the four young black men over to the mob. The mob took them just outside the city, near a bridge over Flat Creek, and hanged and shot all four young men to death. According to various news reports, the corpses “were cut down as soon as life was extinct and the bodies torn to pieces by the maddened mob,” then piled in “a large heap” and burned. [EJI article] (next BH, see February 1, 1893; see 19th century for expanded lynching chronology)

Poll tax

October 13, 1942: the U.S. House passed legislation abolishing poll taxes in national elections, but in the Senate, Southern senators filibustered, blocking the bill. Over the next several years, the House continued to pass the legislation — only to be blocked again by the Senate.[background] (see Oct 20)

Vivian Malone Jones

October 13, 2005: Vivian Malone Jones died in Atlanta. She was 63. Her husband, Mack Jones, had died in 2004. [Guardian article] (BH, see February 2006; U of A, see Jan 17, 2013)

Timothy Coggins

October 13, 2017: authorities in Georgia reopened a cold case and arrested five people — including two law enforcement officials — in connection with what the local sheriff said was a brutal, racially motivated murder of a Timothy Coggins, a black man 34 years ago on October 9, 1983.

The arrests were made about seven months after new information emerged, said the sheriff, Darrell Dix of Spalding County, in Griffin, Ga., about 40 miles south of Atlanta.

“If the crime happened today, it would be prosecuted as a hate crime,” he said at a news conference.

Frankie Gebhardt, 59, and Bill Moore Sr., 58, [b oth men had “extensive criminal records,”] were each charged with murder, aggravated assault, concealing a death and other crimes

Gregory Huffman, 47, was charged with violation of oath of office and obstruction, officials said. Until this day, Huffman had been a detention officer with the Spalding County Sheriff’s Office, but was fired.

Sandra Bunn, 58, and Lamar Bunn (32) [worked at the Milner Police Department], were charged with obstruction. (BH & Coggins, see Nov 2)

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

Cold War

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

October 13, 1952:  the US Supreme Court announced that it had declined to grant certiorari in the appeal of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, condemned to death for conspiracy to commit atomic espionage for the Soviet Union. (RS, see Oct 17; Nuclear, see Nov 1; Rosenbergs, see June 19, 1953)

Nixon/Kennedy debates

October 13, 1960, Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy participated in the third televised debate of the presidential campaign, with Nixon in Hollywood, Calif., and Kennedy in New York.

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

October 13 Music et al


October 13, 1963: although The Beatles’ popularity had been growing steadily and to increasingly frantic heights throughout 1963, their appearance at the London Palladium catapulted them into the attention of the mainstream media.

Sunday Night At The London Palladium was a variety entertainment program that regularly drew huge British TV audiences of up to 15 million people. Competition to appear was fierce, and The Beatles were taking no chances, having spent the previous evening rehearsing.

On the night they appeared briefly at the beginning of the show, before compère Bruce Forsythe told the audience, “If you want to see them again they’ll be back in 42 minutes.” And indeed they were. The Beatles topped the bill that night, closing the hour-long show. They began with From Me To You, followed by I’ll Get You, which was introduced by Paul McCartney with some jovial interjections from John Lennon. Their most recent hit, She Loves You, was next, announced collectively by Lennon, McCartney and George Harrison. Then came the finale. Paul McCartney attempted to announce it, but was drowned out by the screams from the frenzied audience. Lennon told them to “shut up”, a gesture which was applauded by the older members in the audience. McCartney then asked them all to clap and stamp their feet, and they began Twist And Shout.

The Beatles’ appearance featured on the ITN news, complete with footage from the group’s dressing room. The following day, meanwhile, newspaper reporters wrote front-page stories about the screaming fans. (see Oct 17)

Bob Dylan

October 13, 2016: the Nobel Prize committee announced it had awarded Dylan the Nobel Prize in Literature “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”. [NYT article] (see Nov 16)

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

Vietnam/Oct 13, 1966

  • the conviction of David J Miller, the first person arrested in the country for burning his draft card (see previously Oct 15, 1965) was upheld by the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The court held that Congress had the right to enact a law against destroying a draft card so long as it did not infringe on a constitutional right.(DCB, see December 12, 1966)
Robert S. McNamara
  • Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara declared at a news conference in Saigon that he found that military operations have “progressed very satisfactorily since 1965.” (see Oct 24)
October 13 Peace Love Art Activism


October 13, 1967: President Lyndon B. Johnson had issued Executive Order 11246, establishing affirmative action in employment for all federal agencies and contractors on September 24, 1965. He deliberately did not include women in the order, however, despite the fact that sex discrimination was specifically prohibited by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (signed on July 2, 1964). Although he was deeply committed to the civil rights movement, LBJ had no similar commitment to the women’s rights movement that emerged in the mid-1960s. Leaders of the reinvigorated women’s rights movement protested Johnson’s omission of women from his first E.O., and on this day, Johnson issued Executive Order 11375 to include women in affirmative action.

The pressure came from the revived feminist movement in the 1960s. See the publication of Betty Friedan’s influential book, The Feminine Mystique (and the critical review by the New York Times on April 7, 1963), and the founding of the National Organization for Women (NOW) on June 30, 1966. [US DoL article] (see Nov 7)

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

US Labor History

Columbia University strike

October 13, 1985: more than 1,100 office workers strike Columbia University in New York City. The mostly female and minority workers win union recognition and pay increases.  [NYT article] (see June 19, 1986)

National Basketball Association

October 13, 1998: the National Basketball Association canceled regular season games for the first time in its 51-year history, during a player lockout.  Player salaries and pay caps were the primary issue.  The lockout lasted 204 days.  [CBS News story] (see July 14, 1999)

Health Worker Settlement

October 13, 2023: Kaiser Permanente reached a tentative deal with more than 75,000 of its health care workers. The labor dispute was the latest in a series between health care systems and their employees, many of whom cited exhaustion, burnout, and frustration with severe staffing shortages that have persisted long past the worst of the pandemic’s crushing workload.

The proposed four-year contract would include significant wage increases, setting a new minimum of $25 an hour in California,  [NYT article] (next LH, see Oct 30)

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism


Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

October 13, 2010: A federal judge ordered the United States military to stop enforcing the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law that prohibited openly gay men and women from serving.

Judge Virginia A. Phillips of Federal District Court for the Central District of California issued an injunction banning enforcement of the law and ordered the military to immediately “suspend and discontinue” any investigations or proceedings to dismiss service members.

In language much like that in her Sept. 9 ruling declaring the law unconstitutional, Judge Phillips wrote that the 17-year-old policy “infringes the fundamental rights of United States service members and prospective service members” and violates their rights of due process and freedom of speech.

The federal government appealed the ruling. (NYT article) (see Oct 19)

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

Native Americans

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

October 13, 2014: Seattle’s Mayor Ed Murray signed a proclamation recognizing Indigenous Peoples’ Day and by so doing the city of Seattle no longer celebrated the “Columbus Day” holiday. (see February 21, 2015)

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

Nuclear/Chemical News

October 13, 2017: President Trump declared his intention not to certify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal agreement of 2015. By doing so, he left it to Congress to decide whether and when to reimpose sanctions on Iran, which would end the agreement.

The Administration made it clear that it wanted to leave the accord intact, for the moment. Instead, it asked Congress to establish “trigger points,” which would prompt the United States to reimpose sanctions on Iran if it crossed  thresholds set by Congress.  [NYT article] (NCN, see  Oct 26; Iran deal, see Nov 7)

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism
FREE SPEECH, US Labor History &  & Colin Kaepernick

October 13, 2017: in an unusual and public call to arms, Russell Okung, a Los Angeles Chargers lineman, posted a letter on The Players’ Tribune urging the league’s 1,700 players to take a unified stand against pressure from N.F.L. team owners to curb demonstrations during the national anthem before games.

“We can either wait until we receive our respective marching orders, speak up individually, or find a way to collaborate, and exercise our agency as the lifeblood of the league,” Okung, wrote.

Okung’s nearly 900-word manifesto took N.F.L. owners to task for making decisions on anthem demonstrations, which had typically involved players kneeling or sitting during the anthem, without broadly consulting players. The demonstrations were originally intended to draw attention to racial inequality and police shootings of African-Americans. (FS. CL, & Labor, see Oct 15)

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

Census 2020

October 13, 2020: the Supreme Court allowed the Trump administration to halt the 2020 census count ahead of schedule, effectively shutting down what has been the most contentious and litigated census in memory and setting the stage for a bitter fight over how to use its numbers for the apportionment of the next Congress.

The brief unsigned order formally only pauses the population count while the administration and a host of groups advocating a more accurate census battle in a federal appeals court over whether the count could be stopped early.

As a practical matter, however, it almost certainly ensures an early end because the census — one of the largest government activities, involving hundreds of thousands of workers — cannot be easily restarted and little time remains before its current deadline at the end of this month. In fact, some census workers say, the bureau had already begun shutting down some parts of its count despite a court order to continue it. [NYT article] (next Census, see Dec 30)

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism


October 13, 2020: the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it will not hear a case challenging the constitutionality of federal marijuana prohibition.

A coalition of medical cannabis advocates, including former NFL player Marvin Washington, young patient Alexis Bortell and military veteran Jose Belen, initially filed a lawsuit against the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in 2017. But while the case has gradually moved through the judiciary, the decision by the high court represents a sound defeat for the challenge. [MM article] (next Cannabis, see Nov 3, or see CCC for expanded chronology)

October 13 Peace Love Art Activism

Environmental Issues

October 13, 2023: the Biden administration announced plans to award up to $7 billion to create seven regional hubs around the country that would make and use hydrogen, a clean-burning fuel with the potential to power ships or factories without producing any planet-warming emissions. [NYT  article] (next EI, see Oct 19)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism



October 12, 1871: founded by former Confederate Army officers in December 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) operated as a secret vigilante group targeting black people and their allies with violent terrorism to resist Reconstruction and re-establish a system of white supremacy in the South.

KKK violence was so intense in South Carolina after the Civil War that United States Attorney General Amos Akerman and Army Major Lewis Merrill traveled there to investigate. In York County alone they found evidence of 11 murders and more than 600 whippings and other assaults. When local grand juries failed to take action, Akerman urged President Ulysses S. Grant to intervene, describing the counties as “under the domination of systematic and organized depravity.” Merrill said the situation was a “carnival of crime not paralleled in the history of any civilized community.”

On April 20, 1871, President Grant had signed the Ku Klux Klan Act, which made it a federal crime to deprive American citizens of their civil rights through racial terrorism. On October 12, 1871, President Grant warned nine South Carolina counties with prevalent KKK activity that martial law would be declared if the Klan did not disperse. The warning was ignored. (see Oct 17)

Booker T. Mixon

October 12, 1959:  Booker T. Mixon was born in 1934 in Itta Bena. He was a World War II veteran, Mixon, his wife Earlene, and their two children moved from Chicago in 1959, where they lived after the war, to Clarksdale, Mississippi. After the family moved, Mixon worked hauling dirt and gravel for about 3 months for J.A. Childs of Greenwood, a white man.

On October 12, 1959, Mixon was discovered naked lying in near fatal condition on the side of the road in Marks, Mississippi. Sheriff’s Deputy Ben Collins of Quitman County found Mixon and called his case a “hit and run.” The flesh on Mixon’s abdomen and back had been torn from his body; witnesses said it appeared as though he had been dragged by a car.

Dr. Joseph Jones Jr., a black physician and surgeon from Clarksdale, reported that “[Mixon] had multiple abrasions and bruises on his face, head, abdomen, and legs… Furthermore, there were brain injuries and head fractures. I would say he could have been dragged by a car, perhaps, over some grass.”  [Northeastern University article] (BH & Mixon, see Oct 23)

Jonny Gammage

October 12, 1995: Jonny Gammage, cousin and business partner of Pittsburgh Steelers football player Ray Seals, was detained during a traffic stop while driving Mr. Seals’s Jaguar in the working-class suburb of Brentwood on the morning of October 12, 1995. According to testimony, Lt. Milton Mullholland pulled Mr. Gammage over for tapping his breaks and called Officer John Votjas for backup. The officers later claimed that Mr. Gammage, who was 5’6″ and 165 pounds, pointed an object at the officers – which turned out to be a cell phone – and struggled. Mullholland and Votjas, along with Officer Michael Albert, Sgt. Keith Henderson, and Officer Sean Patterson, ultimately pinned Mr. Gammage face-down on the pavement; he asphyxiated and died after several minutes.

On November 27, 1995, Mulholland, Votjas were charged with third degree murder, and Albert was charged with involuntary manslaughter. The charges against Mullholland and Votjas, were later reduced to involuntary manslaughter. Henderson and Patterson were not charged in the incident.

Officer Votjas was acquitted by an all-white jury and, a year later, promoted to sergeant; Judge Joseph McCloskey dismissed charges against Mulholland and Albert after two trials resulted in mistrials. In January 1996, Brentwood police chief Wayne Babish, who had called for a complete investigation into Mr. Gammage’s death, was fired by the Brentwood City Council for failing to support the charged officers.

Multiple public protests were held in Pittsburgh and elsewhere, calling for “Justice for Jonny” and federal intervention. However, in 1999 the Department of Justice declined to file civil rights charges, stating that there was not enough evidence that unreasonable force had been used. (Fact Sheet on the Murder of Jonny Gammage) (see Oct 16)

Atatiana Jefferson

October 12, 2019: a white Fort Worth, TX police officer shot and killed Atatiana Jefferson, a 28-year-old black Texas woman. She had been playing video games with her 8-year-old nephew.

James Smith, a neighbor, told reporters that he got a call from his niece that both his neighbor’s front doors were open. He said this was unusual for Jefferson, and that he saw all the lights in the house were on. He said he called officers to the scene, but meant it only as a welfare check to make sure she was all right.

When the officer, outside, saw Jefferson inside he called out a warning and shot. (next B & S and AJ, see Oct 14)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

Pledge of Allegiance

October 12 Peace Love ActivismOctober 12, 1892: during Columbus Day observances organized to coincide with the opening of the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois, the pledge of allegiance was recited for the first time. Francis Bellamy, a Christian Socialist, had initiated the movement for such a statement and having flags in all classrooms. His pledge was: I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

In 1923: the National Flag Conference called for the words “my Flag” to be changed to “the Flag of the United States,” so that new immigrants would not confuse loyalties between their birth countries and the United States. The words “of America” were added a year later. (see Pledge for expanded story)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

October 12 Music et al

Sugar Shack

October 12 – November 15, 1963,  “Sugar Shack” by Jimmy Gilmer & the Fireballs #1 on the Billboard Hot 100.

see Robert A. Moog and Herbert A. Deutsch for more

October 12 Peace Love ActivismOctober 12 – 16, 1964: Robert A. Moog and Herbert A. Deutsch [WW link] introduced and demonstrated their music synthesizer at the convention of the Audio Engineering Society in NYC. (TM, see April 9, 1965; CM, see April 27, 1965)

Cheap Thrills

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

October 12 – November 15, 1968: Big Brother and the Holding Company’s Cheap Thrills is the Billboard #1 album.

“I buried Paul”

October 12, 1969: a DJ on Detroit’s WKNR radio station received a phone call telling him that if you play The Beatles ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ backwards, you hear John Lennon say the words “I buried Paul.” This started a worldwide rumor that Paul McCartney was dead. [2018 BBC article] (see Oct 20)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

Space Race/Space

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

October 12, 1964: Soviets V. M. Komarov, K. P. Feoktistov and B. B. Yegorov all flew on Voskhod 1, the first mission to send multiple men into space.  [NASA article] (see February 20, 1965)

OSIRIS-REx mission

Small rocks and dust from an asteroid, outside a round sample collection device in a NASA lab.
Erika Blumenfeld & Joseph Aebersold/NASA

October 12, 2023: NASA shared its first glimpse of the black rocks and dust brought back from the Bennu asteroid (the bulk of the material remains locked inside a sample collection device that researchers needed to slowly disassemble).

The tiny amount of material analyzed to that point showed that Bennu (named after Bennu, the ancient Egyptian mythological bird associated with the Sun, creation, and rebirth) contained abundant water and carbon, adding to evidence that asteroids may have seeded the early Earth with ingredients needed for the emergence of life. [NPR article] (next Space, see January 19,, 2023; next OSIRIS-REx, see January  10, 2024)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism


October 12 Peace Love Art ActivismOctober 12, 1968: Equatorial Guinea independent from Spain. [SAHistory article] (see June 4, 1970)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism


Kent State Killings and Aftermath

October 12, 1970: President Nixon announced the pullout of 40,000 more American troops in Vietnam by Christmas. (NYT article) (Kent State, see January 4, 1979; Vietnam, Nov 9)

Race Revolts

October 12,1972: en route to the Gulf of Tonkin, a fight broke out involving more than 200 sailors aboard the United States Navy aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk; 40 persons were injured and 28 sailors arrested, all but one black. (NYT pdf) (Vietnam, see Oct 26; BH & RR see Nov 23)


October 12, 1973: House approved joint conference committee’s resolution 238 – 123. (see Oct 24)

Watergate Scandal

October 12, 1973: following the October 10 resignation of vice president Sprio Agnew, Nixon nominated House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford, R-Mich., to succeed Agnew as vice president. (see Watergate for expanded story)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

Crime and Punishment

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

October 12, 1984: The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 was enacted. It was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan. Among its constituent parts and provisions was the Armed Career Criminal Act. The ACCA provided sentence enhancements for felons who committed crimes with firearms, if convicted of certain crimes three or more times.

If a felon has been convicted more than twice of a “violent felony” or a “serious” drug crime, the Act provided a minimum sentence of fifteen years, instead of the ten-year maximum prescribed under the Gun Control Act. The Act provided for a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. [Slate article] (see Nov 12)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

Irish Troubles

October 12, 1984:  The Provisional Irish Republican Army attempted to assassinate Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the British Cabinet in the Brighton hotel bombing. (see Troubles for expanded story)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism


see Matthew Shepard murder for more

October 12, 1998: Shepard died at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Alaska ban on gay marriage overruled

October 12, 2014: U.S. District Judge Timothy Burgess released his 25-page decision that struck down Alaska’s first-in-the-nation ban on gay marriages. Five gay couples had asked the state of Alaska to overturn a constitutional amendment approved by voters in 1998 that defined marriage as being between one man and one woman.

The lawsuit filed in May sought to bar enforcement of Alaska’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. It also called for barring enforcement of any state laws that refused to recognize gay marriages legally performed in other states or countries or that prevent unmarried gay couples from marrying.

Burgess had heard arguments the previous Friday afternoon and promised a quick decision. (NYT article) (see Oct 25)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism


USS Cole

October 12 Peace Love Art ActivismOctober 12, 2000: in Aden, Yemen, the USS Cole was badly damaged by two Al-Qaeda suicide bombers, who place a small boat laden with explosives alongside the United States Navy destroyer, killing 17 crew members and wounding at least 39. [CNN article] (see Dec 19)

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

October 12, 2011: the trial of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, accused of trying to blow up a commercial airliner with a bomb sewed into his underwear ended  just a day after it had begun, when he abruptly announced that he would plead guilty to all of the federal counts against him.

He stated that “The Koran obliges every able Muslim to participate in jihad and fight in the way of Allah…I carried the device to avenge the killing of my Muslim brothers and sisters… Unfortunately, my actions make me guilty of a crime.” [NYT article] (Terrorism &  Abdulmutallab, see February 16, 2012)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

Affordable Care Act

October 12, 2017:

  • President Trump signed an executive order that cleared the way for potentially sweeping changes in health insurance, including sales of cheaper policies with fewer benefits and fewer protections for consumers than those mandated under the Affordable Care Act. But most of the changes will not come until federal agencies adopt regulations, after an opportunity for public comments — a process that could take months. [NYT article]
  • a few hours later, Trump announced that he would scrap subsidies to health insurance companies that help pay out-of-pocket costs of low-income people. (see Oct 27).
October 12 Peace Love Art Activism

Sexual Abuse of Children

October 12, 2018: Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl after he had become entangled in two major sexual abuse and cover-up scandals and lost the support of many in his flock.

Wuerl becames the most prominent head to roll in the scandal roiling the Catholic Church after his predecessor as Washington archbishop, Theodore McCarrick, was forced to resign as cardinal over allegations he sexually abused at least two minors and adult seminarians.

The decision came after months in which Wuerl initially downplayed the scandal, insisted on his own good record, but then progressively came to the conclusion that he could no longer lead the archdiocese.  (next SAoC, see Oct 18; McCarrick, see February 16, 2019)

October 12 Peace Love Art Activism