Tag Archives: August Peace Love Art Activism

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism

Feminism & Voting Rights

August 28, 1917: woman suffragists picket President Woodrow Wilson in front of the White House. They demanded that he support an amendment to the Constitution that would guarantee women the right to vote.

Wilson had a history of lukewarm support for women’s suffrage, although he paid lip service to suffragists’ demands during political campaigns and greeted previously peaceful suffrage demonstrators at the White House with decorum. He was also a former teacher at a women’s college and the father of two daughters who considered themselves “suffragettes.” During the 1912 presidential campaign against Theodore Roosevelt, Wilson and his opponent agreed on many reform measures such as child-labor laws and pro-union legislation. They differed, however, on the subject of women’s suffrage, as Roosevelt was in favor of giving women the vote.

According to the Library of Congress’ American Memory archives, Wilson rode out of the White House gates that  morning with his wife at his side and tipped his hat toward the protesters as usual. By this time, though, the suffragists had become increasingly disruptive and brandished anti-World War I slogans on their placards in addition to pleas for the vote and later that day the protesters and outraged bystanders who supported the war clashed. Many of the women were arrested and thrown in jail. (see October)

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism


Emmett Till terrorized and murdered

August 28, 1955: at approximately 2:30 in the morning Carolyn Bryant’s husband, Roy, his half brother J.W. Milam kidnapped Emmett Till from Moses Wright’s home. They then brutally beat, dragged him to the bank of the Tallahatchie River, shot him in the head, tied him with barbed wire to a large metal fan and shoved his mutilated body into the water.

Moses Wright reported Till’s disappearance to the local authorities. (see Emmett Till for more)

Albany Movement

August 28, 1962: Albany, GA police arrested and jailed seventy religious leaders from the North and Midwest during an anti-segregation protest at the City Hall. (see Albany for expanded story)

Black History/August 28, 1963

Martin Luther King, Jr delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

Malcolm X

Referring to the March as the “Farce on Washington, Malcolm X afterwards stated: If you’re going to get yourself a .45 and start singing “We Shall Overcome,” I’m with you. (next BH, see Aug 30, ; next MX, see Oct 11; next MLK, see Oct 10)

George Whitmore, Jr

Janice Wylie, a 21-year-old Newsweek magazine researcher and summer stock actress, and Emily Hoffert, a 23-year-old teacher, were stabbed to death in the apartment they shared at 57 E. 88th Street in Manhattan; Wylie was raped. Wylie is the daughter of Max Wylie, a New York novelist, playwright, and advertising executive. Hoffert is the daughter of a Minneapolis surgeon. The media will call it the Career-Girl Murders.

George Whitmore, Jr listened to King’s speech in his Wildwood, NJ home, but in seven months, Whitmore, an African-American drifter with a limited IQ, will be picked out of a photo lineup by a woman who had been assaulted. (next BH, see Aug 30; see Whitmore for the rest of the long sad story)

Philadelphia revolt

August 28 Peace Love Art ActivismAugust 28 – 30, 1964: tensions between African American residents and police lead to 341 injuries and 774 arrests. [Philadelphia dot com article]  (see Sept 1)

Trayvon Martin Shooting

August 28, 2013:  Shellie Zimmerman, the wife of George Zimmerman pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of perjury. She was placed on probation for one year, was required to perform 100 hours of community service, and must pay court costs. She also had to file a letter of apology within 30 days to Judge Kenneth Lester, who presided over her husband’s case at the time the perjury was committed. Recorded jailhouse phone calls between the couple caught the two speaking in code about their finances. By pleading guilty to a lesser charge of perjury not in an official proceeding, she avoided the original third-degree felony offense — perjury during an official proceeding — that could have meant time in prison. (see Sept 4)

Colin Kaepernick

August 28, 2016: Kaepernick met with the media two days after the game and for the first time since the protest gained national attention. He reiterated that he was acting to give a voice to people who didn’t have one.

“I’m going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. To me, this is something that has to change. When there’s significant change and I feel that flag represents what it’s supposed to represent, and this country is representing people the way that it’s supposed to, I’ll stand.” (see Sept 11)

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism

August 28 Music et al

Wooden Heart

August 28 – September 3, 1961: based on a German folk song and made popular in the US by Elvis in the film G.I. Blues , “Wooden Heart” by Joe Dowell #1 Billboard Hot 100.

Something for Everybody

August 28 – September 17, 1961, Elvis Presley’s Something for Everybody is Billboard #1 album. (see Dec 18)

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism
Bob Dylan

August 28, 1963: Bob Dylan and Joan Baez also perform at the King rally in Washington DC.  (see Oct 8)

The Beatles
1964 summer tour

August 28, 1964: Life magazine article reported that the Beatles’ 33-day tour of 23 American cities was a sell out at every location and was expected to gross millions. Beatles pandemonium at the time was such that some hotels along the tour route refused to house the Beatles, and Los Angeles’ Lockheed Airport forbade any Beatles plane from landing there for fear of screaming fans running on to the tarmac.

Bob Dylan and the Beatles meet

August 28, 1964: The Beatles played a concert at New York’s Forest Hills Tennis Stadium. After the concert, the group was taken back to their suite at the city’s Hotel Delmonico. Journalist Al Aronowitz had came down from Woodstock, NY with his friend Bob Dylan, and brought him up to The Beatles hotel suite. John Lennon asked Dylan what he’d like to drink, and Dylan said “cheap wine.” (see Dylan/Beatles for more; Dylan, see January 20, 1965)

Electric Dylan booed

August 28, 1965: (from The College of Rock and Roll Facebook page): Dylan kicked off his tour at NYC’s Forest Hills Tennis Stadium. This show is legendary, and for anyone who doubts that 1965 audiences heaped great scorn on Bob Dylan and his electric crew, all they need to do is listen to a a tape of the concert to hear the audience’s point of view. There was so much hostility directed toward the stage that it’s frightening. Coming as it does after the shocking Newport appearance with members of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, the audience for the Forest Hills show pretty much knew what to expect, and the majority showed extreme displeasure during the electric half.

The first set, which was acoustic, was very well received. The crowd was quiet and respectful for the 45 minute opening set, which followed a typical top-40 disk jockey introduction more appropriate for a Dave Clark Five concert than a Bob Dylan concert. This show featured the debut of “Desolation Row”, from the Highway 61 album which was yet to be released (only a few days away, in fact). It’s a great performance and it went over very well with the crowd, who laughed appreciatively at the lyrics. It must have been amazing to sit there and hear a brand new masterpiece like “Desolation Row”.

After the well received acoustic half came to an end with “Mr. Tambourine Man”, the band set up for the second half. No doubt the crowd was gearing up for the hostility that was to follow. The crowd is so loud and belligerent at times that it becomes extremely hard to hear the music, but what can be heard is awesome. Levon lays down a muscular beat that drives the music forward and Robbie plays tough blues licks as only he can. Al Kooper pretty much plays the way only Al Kooper can. [Press Music article] (see Aug 30)

Beatles failed escape

August 28, 1966: nearing the end of their final tour of America, The Beatles performed one show at Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, California, before a crowd of 45,000. The Beatles’ attempt to escape from the stadium in an armored truck was thwarted when the main gate was found to be locked and The Beatles have to spend two hours in the back of the truck before they can leave the stadium. (see Aug 29)

Dear Prudence

August 28, 1968: started recording a new John Lennon song ‘Dear Prudence’. They built the song instrument by instrument, utilizing the 8-track equipment at Trident. John and George played guitars, while Paul plays drums to compensate for Ringo, who had quit The Beatles on August 22. (see Sept 3)

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism


Arcadia, FL

August 28 Peace Love Art ActivismAugust 28, 1987: a fire of suspicious origin destroyed the home of a couple whose three sons were hemophiliacs known to have been exposed to the virus that caused acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The fire capped a week of bomb and death threats against Clifford and Louise Ray, and their daughter and three sons, and a boycott of local schools. The boycott had been prompted by the Aug. 24 return to school of the three boys after a year’s absence.  (Rays, see Aug 29)

LGBTQ & Immigration History

August 28, 1987: the Reagan administration adopted a formal policy barring visas to people with the HIV infection. The policy was one of several similar policies that reflected both an indifference to the HIV/AIDS crisis and hostility to homosexuality.The policy was finally rescinded by the administration of President Barack Obama on January 5, 2010 when the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) removed HIV from the list of diseases that barred people from obtaining visas to enter the U.S. [AIDS timeline] (AIDS, see Aug 29; LGBTQ, see see June 22, 1988; IH, see October 30, 2009)

LGBTQ, Walmart

August 28, 2013: the nation’s largest private employer,announced that it will soon offer a full suite of benefits to its employees’ domestic partners, including those of the same sex. The change would take effect in all 50 states, independent of each state’s definition of what marriage, domestic partnership or civil union entails. The retail giant sent postcards to its staffers outlining changes to their health insurance policies for 2014, including news that “full-time associates can cover any spouse or domestic partner,” regardless of gender. [USA Today article] (see August 29)

Rowan County (Kentucky)

August 28, 2015: Rowan County (Kentucky) Clerk Kim Davis asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene on her behalf. Justice Elena Kagan will likely rule on Davis’ request. Kagan joined the majority opinion in June that effectively legalized gay marriage across the country.

Meanwhile, Rowan County Attorney Cecil Watkins said he’s referred a charge of “Official Misconduct” against Davis to the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office. (see Aug 31)

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism


August 28, 2003: the Supreme Court of Alabama removed a monument of the Biblical Ten Commandments from its courthouse rotunda. The monument had been installed on the orders of Chief Justice Roy Moore, triggering a federal lawsuit. In Glassroth v. Moore, the federal District Court for the Middle District of Alabama ordered Moore to remove the monument. This decision was upheld on appeal to the Eleventh Circuit. When Moore refused, he was removed from his post by the Supreme Court of Alabama. [Southeast Missourian article] (see November 21, 2011)

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism

Hurricane Katrina

August 28, 2005: Katrina reached Category 4 intensity with 145 mph winds. By 7:00 AM CDT  it was a Category 5 storm, with maximum sustained winds of 175 mph , gusts up to 215 mph. In a press conference at roughly 10:00 AM CDT, Mayor Ray Nagin declared that “a mandatory evacuation order is hereby called for all of the parish of Orleans.” (see Aug 29)

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism

Women’s Health

August 28, 2014: U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel threw out new Texas abortion restrictions that would have effectively closed more than a dozen clinics statewide in a victory for opponents of tough new anti-abortion laws sweeping across the U.S.

Yeakel sided with clinics that sued over one of the most disputed measures of a sweeping anti-abortion bill signed by Republican Gov. Rick Perry in 2013. The ruling stops new clinic requirements that would have left seven abortion facilities in Texas come Monday, when the law was set to take effect. (BC, see Sept 1; Texas, see June 27, 2016)

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism

Environmental Issues

Klamath River restoration

August 28, 2024: the breaching of the two cofferdams at Iron Gate and Copco No. 1 returned the Klamath River to a free-flowing state in California for the first time in 100 years. That meant that the native fish species such as steelhead, coho and Chinook salmon had  access to more than 400 miles of opened spawning and rearing habitat.

The habitat included not only the main stem of the Klamath River but several important tributaries that historically supported salmon and steelhead populations and would provide consistent sources of cool water in warm months and in a warming climate.

The restoration project was the largest such effort in American history.  [CA gov article] (next EI, see January 20, 2025 )

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism

August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism, August 28 Peace Love Art Activism,

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism


Red River White League

August 27, 1874:  the Red River White League arrested six prominent white Republicans on the pretext that they were plotting a murderous Negro rebellion: Homer Twitchell (tax collector and brother of Marshall), Sheriff Edgerton, William Howell (parish attorney), Clark Holland and Monroe C. Willis (minor officials and brothers-in-law of Marshall Twitchell), and Robert Dewees (De Soto Parish tax collector). At the same time, League leaders rounded up twenty black Republicans. [Facing History article] (see Aug 29)

Jacksonville sit-ins

August 27, 1960: 16-year-old NAACP Youth Council President Rodney Hurst and dozens of his peers staged a peaceful sit-in protest at a “whites only” Woolworth’s lunch counter in downtown Jacksonville, Florida. Throughout that month, Youth Council members had successfully organized peaceful sit-ins at Morrison’s Cafeteria and other prominent lunch counters in the city. On this Saturday, however, the young black demonstrators were violently attacked by a mob of more than 200 white people armed with baseball bats and ax handles.
The attack began when white onlookers angered by the demonstration began spitting on the sit-in protesters and yelling racial slurs at them. When the black demonstrators refused to respond and continued sitting peacefully, the violence escalated. The white people beat the demonstrators with wooden ax handles and baseball bats and soon spread into the streets of downtown Jacksonville, attacking black people indiscriminately. According to reports, members of the Ku Klux Klan organized the “Ax Handle Saturday” attack, which left more than fifty people injured.
As bloodied and battered black children fled to a nearby church to seek refuge, many white police officers joined the mob violence, arrested the fleeing civil rights demonstrators, or did nothing. “The intent was to scare, intimidate, and bring physical harm,” Rodney Hurst later recalled. “Many times you could not draw a line between the Klan and law enforcement, because law enforcement were at least accomplices to a lot of the things the Klan did.” (see Aug 31 – Sept 6)

George Metcalfe

August 27, 1965: when Natchez NAACP President George Metcalfe started his car on the parking lot at Armstrong Tire in Natchez, Mississippi, a bomb planted inside his car exploded. He miraculously survived. The Silver Dollar Group was believed to be responsible for the assassination attempt. Nobody was ever charged. [Mississippi Civil Rights Project article] (see September)

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

Red Scare, McCarthyism &  the Cold War


August 27, 1949: anti-Communist vigilantes attacked concert-goers with baseball bats and rocks and blocked a concert in Peekskill, New York (Westchester County) that featured the noted African-American singer Paul Robeson. Robeson was also a prominent left-wing activist who was very critical of U.S. foreign policy in the Cold War. The concert on this day was to be a fundraiser for the left-wing Civil Rights Congress, which had been included on the Attorney General’s List of Subversive Organizations. Robeson was lynched in effigy and a cross was set on fire. The concert was rescheduled and held on September 4, 1949.

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

Nuclear/Chemical News

Argus I

August 27, 1958:  “Argus I” of Operation Argus, the first detonation of a nuclear weapon in outer space when a 1.7-kiloton warhead was detonated at 124 miles altitude during a series of high altitude nuclear explosions. (see February 13, 1960)

Soviet Union

August 27, 1962: Soviet Union above ground nuclear test. 4.2 megaton. (see Sept 19)

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

August 27 Music et al

Beatles meet Elvis

August 27, 1965: Elvis Presley & The Beatles met for the first and only time at Elvis’ home in Bel Air, CA. The Beatles came in with Brian Epstein, their manager. They walked up to Elvis and were introduced, and Elvis sat down. The Beatles all sat down on the floor right in front of Elvis, in a semi-circle, and they look up and they were just gaping and staring at him. There was this dead silence in the room until Elvis said, ‘Well, what-the-hell, if you guys aren’t going to talk to me I’m going to my bedroom’. And then everyone started to laugh and that broke the ice. They had a brief jam session after Paul McCartney offered to give Elvis some lessons on the bass. John Lennon asks why Elvis doesn’t record rock ‘n’ roll anymore.

When The Beatles left, John Lennon told Elvis’ friend Jerry Schilling to make sure that Elvis knew that “if it hadn’t been for him, The Beatles would be nothing.” (Beatles, see Aug 31; EP, see November 1, 1969)

Brian Epstein

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

August 27, 1967: Brian Epstein died in his London home from an accidental drug overdose of sleeping pills. John Lennon would later state: “The Beatles were finished when Eppy died. I knew, deep inside me, that that was it. Without him, we’d had it.” Paul McCartney, according to Beatles press agent Tony Barrow, felt that the Beatles might not be together and so Paul quickly planned the “Magical Mystery Tour” film project. (see Epstein for more; next Beatles, see Sept 1)

Parole denied

August 27, 2020: for the 11th time, a parole board at Wende correctional facility near Buffalo, New York, denied parole to Mark David Chapman. (next Beatles, see December 1, 2023)

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

Irish Troubles

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

August 27, 1979:  Lord Mountbatten of Burma and 3 others were assassinated by the Provisional Irish Republican Army. Mountbatten was a British admiral, statesman and an uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. On the same day, the Warrenpoint ambush occurs: Provisional Irish Republican Army members attack a British convoy at Narrow Water, County Down, killing 18 British soldiers. [Washington Post article] (see Troubles for expanded story)

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism


August 27, 1985: in American Booksellers Association v. Hudnut, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals struck down an Indianapolis anti-pornography ordinance as a violation of the First Amendment. The Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal, leaving the Circuit Court decision standing. The law had given individuals who felt they had been victimized by pornography the right to sue the producers and distributors of pornography. The law had been developed by feminist anti-pornography activists Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon. It was strongly opposed by civil libertarians on First Amendment grounds. [Justia article]  (see July 7, 1986)

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

Dissolution of the USSR


August 27, 1991:  Moldova declared independence from the Soviet Union. (Dissolution, see Aug 29; ID, see Aug 30)

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

Iraq War II

August 27, 2004:  President George W Bush acknowledged for the first time that he made a “miscalculation of what the conditions would be” in postwar Iraq [Reuters, 8/27/04] (see Aug 30)

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

Hurricane Katrina

August 27, 2005: Katrina reached Category 3 intensity. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin announced a state of emergency and a called for a voluntary evacuation. (see Aug 28)

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism


Kim Davis

August 27, 2015: after Rowan County (Kentucky) Clerk Kim Davis again refused to issue a marriage license to William Smith Jr. and James Yates (for a third time), she temporarily closed her office. Davis had refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples in the two months since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage across the country.

A note taped to the doors of Davis’ office said: “sorry our office is closed for computer upgrades. ETA 1 hour.”  An entourage of deputy clerks walked out of the office and drove away. (see Aug 28)A

Catholic Charities of Buffalo

August 27, 2018: the Catholic Charities of Buffalo announced that it was ending its adoption program, citing New York’s ban on discrimination as the reason.

The organization had a contract with the Erie County Department of Social Services to place children in foster and adoptive families. State law in New York does not allow contracting organizations to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.

Catholic Charities of Buffalo, though, said that placing children in homes with same-sex couples is not “consistent with the teaching of the church.” [LGBTQ Nation article] (see Oct 2)u

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

US Labor History

August 27, 2015: a U.S. National Labor Relations Board ruling made it easier for unions to bargain for better pay and working conditions on behalf of millions of workers at McDonald’s, Burger King and other fast-food chains. The ruling, which came from a case involving a waste management company and its staffing company, refined the board’s standard for determining when parties can be identified as employers.

The decision could have broader implications for unions that have struggled to organize workers at fast-food restaurants, which are often run by franchisees who consider themselves small business owners, but pay fees and adhere to standards set by companies like Wendy’s and Yum Brands, which owns KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.  [NYT article] (see Sept 8)

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

Voting Rights

August 27, 2018: a panel of three federal judges again declared North Carolina’s congressional district map to be unconstitutional,  ruling that it was gerrymandered to unfairly favor Republican candidates.

The decision was likely to be appealed to the US Supreme Court

The three judges had ruled unanimously in January that the state’s House map violated the First and 14th Amendments by unfairly giving one group of voters — Republicans — a bigger voice than others in choosing representatives. (see May 3, 2019)

August 27 Peace Love Art Activism

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism



August 26, 1839: Americans captured the Amistad (“Friendship”), a Spanish slave ship seized by the 54 Africans who had been carried as cargo on board, which had landed on Long Island, N.Y.

At the time, the transportation of slaves from Africa to the U.S. was illegal so the ship owners lied and said the Africans had been born in Cuba [National Archives article] (BH, see May 1840; next Slave Revolts, & Amistad, see March 9, 1841)

Black lives don’t matter

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

August 26, 1874: sixteen African American men held in the Gibson County Jail in Trenton, Tennessee had been arrested and accused of shooting at two white men.

Around 2:00 a.m. that morning, 400 – 500 masked men, mounted on horses and armed with shot guns, demanded entrance to the jail. The men confronted the jailer and threatened to kill him if he did not relinquish the keys to the cell holding the men. After the jailer gave the leader of the mob the key, the members of the mob bound the men by their hands and led them out of the jail cell.

The jailer later testified that he soon heard a series of gun shots in the distance. Upon investigation soon after the kidnapping, the jailer found six of the men lying along nearby Huntingdon Road – four were dead, their bodies “riddled with bullets.” Two of the men, found wounded but alive, later died before receiving medical attention. The bodies of the ten remaining men were later found at the bottom of a river about one mile from town. Local white officials denounced the lynching and held an inquest that concluded the men were killed by “shots inflicted by guns in the hands of unknown parties.” The town mayor also expressed local whites’ fears that black people throughout the county were arming themselves in plans to exact retaliatory violence.

One day after the mass murder of sixteen black men by hundreds of white men who remained unidentified and free, the mayor ordered police to take all guns belonging to Trenton’s black residents and threatened to shoot those who resisted. [Black Then article] (next BH, see Aug 27; see expanded chronology of 19th century Lynching)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism


Voting Rights

August 26, 1918:  suffragists (arrested Aug. 12) tried, convicted, and sentenced to 10 to 15 days in old District workhouse. (see Sept 30)

19th Amendment

August 26, 1920: Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby signed the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote, signed into law.  [Our Documents article] (see Nov 6; 19th amendment, see Feb 27, 1922)

Women’s Strike for Equality

August 26, 1970:  the Women’s Strike for Equality celebrated the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment. The rally was sponsored by the National Organization for Women (NOW). [My Life Time article] (see Nov 3)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

US Labor History

Fannie Sellins murdered

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

August 26, 1919: while leading strikers in Brackenridge, Pennsylvania, United Mine Workers’ organizer Fannie Sellins, a widowed mother of four, was shot to death by coal company guards when she intervened in the beating of a picketing miner. (see Aug 31)


August 26, 1970: the strike by the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee forced lettuce prices up by as much as 100% around the US. [PA History article] (see September 14, 1970)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

Technological Milestone

August 26, 1939: the first televised Major League baseball game broadcast on station W2XBS, the station that was to become WNBC-TV.

Announcer Red Barber called the game between the Cincinnati Reds and the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York.

At the time, television was still in its infancy. Regular programming did not yet exist and very few people owned television sets–there were only about 400 in the New York area. Not until 1946 did regular network broadcasting catch on in the United States, and only in the mid-1950s did television sets become more common in the American household. (see December 2, 1942)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

August 26 Music et al

Fear of Rock

August 26, 1955: the Venice Film Festival removed Blackboard Jungle because of objections by the U.S. Ambassador to Italy, Clare Boothe Luce. A noted playwright, she was married to the publisher of Time and Life magazines, Henry Luce. The film famously opened with the recording of Bill Haley’s classic, Rock Around the Clock.

In the U.S., local communities tried to ban the film because they felt the soundtrack and the film’s portrayal of juvenile delinquents would incite delinquency. On March 28, 1955, the city of Memphis banned Blackboard Jungle. And on May 17, 1955, students at Princeton University staged a “riot” by blasting Rock Around the Clock simultaneously from many dormitory windows. LINK (see February 24, 1956)

Ode to Billy Joe

August 26 – September 22, 1967: “Ode to Billy Joe” by Bobbie Gentry #1 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Hey Jude

August 26, 1968: “Hey Jude” released. It  will spend nine weeks as number one in the United States—the longest run at the top of the American charts for a Beatles’ single. [see Jude for more]  (see Aug 28)

Jimi Hendrix

August 26, 1970: Hendrix hosted the grand opening of his psychedelic studio lair, Electric Lady, to fellow musicians and friends. Guests included Steve Winwood, Eric Clapton, Ron Wood, and Patti Smith. [Studio site]  (see Sept 6)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

Nuclear/Chemical News

August 26, 1957: the Soviet Union announced that it had successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of being fired “into any part of the world.” The announcement caused great concern in the United State, and started a national debate over the “missile gap” between America and Russia. (Cold War, see Sept 4; NN, see Sept 19, 1957; Red Scare, see June 25, 1963)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

AIDS & Ryan White

August 26, 1985: first day of school. White allowed to listen to his classes via telephone. (see White for more)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

Hurricane Katrina

August 26, 2005: Katrina was again downgraded to a tropical storm. At 5:00 AM EDT, the eye of Hurricane Katrina was located just offshore of southwestern Florida over the Gulf of Mexico about 50 miles (80 km) north-northeast of Key West, Florida. (see Aug 27)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

Immigration History

Murder of  Luis Ramirez

Remove term: August 26 Peace Love Activism August 26 Peace Love Activism

August 26, 2008: Brandon Piekarsky and Colin Walsh, charged with murder and ethnic intimidation in the beating death of  Luis Ramirez were granted bail. Bail was set at $50,000 each for Piekarsky  and Colin Walsh. The two, who are white, were accused in the July 12 beating of Ramirez in Shenandoah. Mr. Piekarsky and Mr. Walsh had been held without bail since their arrests on July 25. A third defendant, Derrick Donchak, 18, is charged with aggravated assault and other offenses. He posted bail soon after his arrest. All three teenagers attended Shenandoah Valley High School. Mr. Ramirez, 24, died after he crossed paths with a group of teenagers in a darkened park. The attack drew condemnation from immigrants’ rights groups, who have held vigils in Shenandoah. The Justice Department has opened an investigation into the case. (see Ramirez for expanded story)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

Terry Jones

August 26, 2010: the New York Times reports that Jones planned a bonfire of Korans because, he said, it is “full of lies.” (see Sept 4)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism


New Mexico

August 26, 2013: New Mexico District Judge Alan Malott New Mexico ruled New Mexico’s constitution prohibited discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and declared same-sex marriage legal, ordering the clerk of the state’s most populous county to join two other counties in issuing licenses for gay and lesbian couples.

The Bernalillo County clerk’s office in Albuquerque planned to start issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples at 8 a.m. Tuesday.

The decision came after a judge in Santa Fe directed the county clerk there to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples on Friday. But Malott’s ruling was seen as more sweeping because he directly declared that gay marriage was legal.

Laura Schauer Ives, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico, called it “monumental” and said the group didn’t expect such a broad decision by Malott. The judge had been asked only to order that the state recognize, on her death certificate, a dying woman’s marriage Friday in Santa Fe to her longtime partner.

But after a short hearing in which neither the counties nor the state objected to the request, Malott also ruled on the broader lawsuit by that couple and five others seeking marriage licenses. [USA Today article] (see Aug 28)


August 26, 2015: a federal appeals court upheld a ruling ordering a Rowan County (Kentucky) Clerk Kim Davis to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

Davis objected to same-sex marriage for religious reasons. She stopped issuing marriage licenses the day after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned state bans on same-sex marriage. Two straight couples and two gay couples sued her. A U.S. district judge ordered Davis to issue the marriage licenses, but later delayed his order so that Davis could have time to appeal to the 6th circuit. The appeals court denied Davis’ request for a stay.

It cannot be defensibly argued that the holder of the Rowan County Clerk’s office, apart from who personally occupies that office, may decline to act in conformity with the United States Constitution as interpreted by a dispositive holding of the United States Supreme Court,” judges Damon J. Keith, John M. Rogers and Bernice B. Donald wrote for the court. “There is thus little or no likelihood that the Clerk in her official capacity will prevail on appeal.” [Guardian article] (see Aug 27)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

 FREE SPEECH & Colin Kaepernick

August 26, 2016: Kaepernick gained attention for his protest. “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick said. (FS & CK, see Aug 28)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism

Sexual Abuse of Children

August 26, 2018: an Archbishop Viganò claimed that the Vatican hierarchy was complicit in covering up accusations that Cardinal Theodore McCarrick had sexually abused seminarians and that Pope Francis knew about the abuses by McCarrick years before they became public. The letter contended, Francis did not punish the cardinal, but instead empowered him to help choose powerful American bishops.

The pope did not deny the accusation, but sidestepped questions by insisting he would not dignify them with a response.[NYT article] (next SAoC, see Sept 12; McCarrick, see Oct 12)

August 26 Peace Love Art Activism