Category Archives: History

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

Anarchism in the US

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

July 22, 1916: a bomb exploded during the Preparedness Day parade in San Francisco, killing 10 people and injuring 40. The press immediately blames labor organizers and anarchists. (San Francisco Museum article) (see January 8, 1917)

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

Black History

Frank Embree lynched

July 22, 1899: a white mob abducted Frank Embree from officers transporting him to stand trial and lynched him in front of a crowd of over 1,000 onlookers in Fayette, Missouri.

About one month earlier, Frank Embree had been arrested and accused of assaulting a white girl. Though he was scheduled to stand trial on July 22, the town’s residents grew impatient and decided to take “justice” into their own hands by lynching Mr. Embree instead.

According to newspaper accounts, the mob attacked officers transporting Embree, seized him, and loaded him into a wagon, then drove him to the site of the alleged assault. Once there, Mr. Embree’s captors immediately tried to extract a confession by stripping him naked and whipping him in front of the assembled crowd, but he steadfastly maintained his innocence despite this abuse. After withstanding more than one hundred lashes to his body, Embree began screaming and told the men that he would confess. Rather than plead for his life, Embree begged his attackers to stop the torture and kill him swiftly. Covered in blood from the whipping, with no courtroom or legal system in sight, Embree offered a confession to the waiting lynch mob and was immediately hanged from a tree.

Though published photographs of Embree’s lynching clearly depict the faces of many of his assailants, no one was ever arrested or tried for his death. [EJI article] (next BH & Lynching, see January 20, 1900; see 19th century for expanded lynching chronology)

Andy Wright

July 22, 1937: Andy Wright convicted and sentenced to 99 years. (see Scottsboro for expanded story)

Albany Movement

July 22, 1962: Martin Luther King Jr. said that Federal District Judge J. Robert Elliott was engaged to an extent in a “conspiracy” to maintain segregation. While bringing food to jailed demonstrators in Camilla, Georgia, Marion King is assaulted by police officers who hit and kick her until she is unconscious. King was pregnant. (see  Albany for expanded story)

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

Nuclear/Chemical News

July 22 Peace Love Art ActivismJuly 22, 1927:  geneticist Hermann Muller reported on his experiments in Science. He had exposed fruit flies to X-rays. This ionizing radiation had the power to penetrate cells and alter genetic material. Some of Muller’s fruit flies had mutant genes and some of those mutations were heritable (they could passed down to future generations) Plant breeders began to use x-rays in attempts to induce mutations that might be beneficial. (Nobel Prize site article)(see December 17, 1938)

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism


Jane Matilda Bolin

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

July 22. 1939: New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia appointed Jane Matilda Bolin a judge of the city’s Domestic Relations Court, making her the first African-American woman appointed to judicial office in the United States. (NYT obit) (see July 30, 1942)

Kolstad v. American Dental Association

July 22, 1999: the US Supreme Court rules in Kolstad v. American Dental Association that a woman can sue for punitive damages for sex discrimination if the anti-discrimination law was violated with malice or indifference to the law, even if that conduct was not especially severe. Carole Kolstad had claimed that the application process for her former director’s director position was a sham alleging that the respondent’s decision to promote another person was an act of employment discrimination proscribed under Title VII. (Oyez article) (see May 15, 2000)

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism


July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

July 22, 1963: Sarawak independent from United Kingdom. [New Mandala article] (see Aug 31)

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

The Road to Bethel

July 22, 1969: Mel Lawrence brought Festival workers from Wallkill to Bethel. Holds general meeting at El Monaco Motel. (intersection of Rts 17 B & 55).

Around this time, Woodstock Ventures, seeing the Earth Light Theatre on the El Monaco site, ask if the the troupe would do performances at the festival. They agreed.

Allan Mann, of Earth Light, offered to arrange for Sri Swami Satchidananda to open the festival on Friday 15 August. (see Chronology for expanded story)

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

Fair Housing

Stewart B. McKinney Act

July 22, 1987: Stewart B. McKinney Act set up programs to help communities deal with homelessness. (HUD article) (see June 29, 1988)

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism


July 22, 1990: Iraq begins deploying troops to the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border. (see Aug 2)

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

Native Americans

July 22, 2013:  three of Indian Country’s largest organizations prepared to intervene in the on-going “Baby Veronica” saga. At a press conference, representatives from the National Congress of American Indians, the Native American Rights Fund and the National Indian Child Welfare Association announced plans to file a civil rights lawsuit if the South Carolina Supreme Court does not reconsider last week’s decision to terminate Cherokee Nation citizen Dusten Brown’s parental rights without a “best interest” custody hearing. (Native Americans, see July 23; see Baby Veronica for expanded story)

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

Women’s Health

July 22, 2019: the Trump administration gave Title X recipients more time to comply with new regulations that prohibited organizations that received federal grants from referring patients for abortion.

Under the new rules, any organization that provides or refers patients for abortions was ineligible for Title X funding.

The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a timeline for organizations to comply. They were to submit written assurance by August 19 that they did not provide abortion or include abortion as a method of family planning. HHS said the government did not intend to bring enforcement actions against clinics that were making “good-faith efforts to comply,” according to The Associated Press.

The HHS had said on  July 15 that it would begin enforcing the new rules and requiring compliance immediately. [NPR story] (see Aug 19)

July 22 Peace Love Art Activism

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism


Voting Rights

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

July 21, 1908:  The Women’s National Anti-Suffrage League (1908-1918) established in London. Its aims were to oppose women being granted the vote in United Kingdom parliamentary elections, although it did support their having votes in local government elections. (Oxford Scholarship Online article)

Grace Saxon Mills

In 1909:  in the UK, Grace Saxon Mills listed reasons why women should not have the right to vote in the United Kingdom

  • Because women already have the municipal vote, and are eligible for membership of most local authorities. These bodies deal with questions of housing, education, care of children, workhouses and so forth, all of which are peculiarly within a woman’s sphere. Parliament, however, has to deal mainly with the administration of a vast Empire, the maintenance of the Army and Navy, and with questions of peace and war, which lie outside the legitimate sphere of woman’s influence.
  • Because all government rests ultimately on force, to which women, owing to physical, moral and social reasons, are not capable of contributing.
  • Because women are not capable of full citizenship, for the simple reason that they are not available for purposes of national and Imperial defence. All government rests ultimately on force, to which women, owing to physical, moral and social reasons, are not capable of contributing.
  • Because there is little doubt that the vast majority of women have no desire for the vote.
  • Because the acquirement of the Parliamentary vote would logically involve admission to Parliament itself, and to all Government offices. It is scarcely possible to imagine a woman being Minister for War, and yet the principles of the Suffragettes involve that and many similar absurdities.
  • Because the United Kingdom is not an isolated state, but the administrative and governing centre of a system of colonies and also of dependencies. The effect of introducing a large female element into the Imperial electorate would undoubtedly be to weaken the centre of power in the eyes of these dependent millions.
  • Because past legislation in Parliament shows that the interests of women are perfectly safe in the hands of men.
  • Because Woman Suffrage is based on the idea of the equality of the sexes, and tends to establish those competitive relations which will destroy chivalrous consideration. Because women have at present a vast indirect influence through their menfolk on the politics of this country.
  • Because the physical nature of women unfits them for direct com-petition with men.  (John Clare dot net article)  (see January 19, 1909)
Adm. Lisa Franchetti

July 21, 2023: President Joe Biden chose Adm. Lisa Franchetti to lead the Navy, an unprecedented choice that would make her the first woman to be a Pentagon service chief and the first female member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Biden’s decision went against the recommendation of his Pentagon chief. But Franchetti, the current vice chief of operations for the Navy, had broad command and executive experience and was considered by insiders to be the top choice for the job.

Biden noted the historical significance of her selection and said “throughout her career, Admiral Franchetti has demonstrated extensive expertise in both the operational and policy arenas.” [AP article] (next Feminism, see July 28)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism


35 Black prisoners burn to death

July 21, 1913: thirty-five Black men at Oakley Farm, a segregated prison camp in Mississippi, burned to death when the neglected dormitory they were locked into at night caught fire.

Each night, the men who were forced to labor as convicts at Oakley Farm were locked into the second floor of an all-wooden building, where they slept on the floor together. The second floor had metal bars on each window and the building had only one exit—through a single door on the first floor, where the prison stored hay, molasses, and other flammable materials. The dormitory was referred to as an “antiquated convict cage,” and as one report later noted, “everything was in the fire’s favor.”

Shortly before midnight, two watchmen patrolling the prison noticed flames coming out of the windows of the first floor of one of the prison dormitories. Because the prison did not have any fire extinguishing gear, the watchmen simply stood by as the fire grew, failing to take any measures to try to save the individuals locked inside. As flames quickly engulfed the dormitory, the men imprisoned upstairs began shouting for help. With bars on all the windows and the singular exit blocked by the fire, they were left with no way out, and all 35 of the men in the dormitory burned to death. [EJI article] (next BH, see Sept 6)

The Greensboro Four

July 21, 1960: F.W. Woolworth manager Clarence Harris met with Chairman Zane and the Advisory Committee in his store. He informed them that F.W. Woolworth’s would soon serve all properly dressed and well-behaved people. Kress manager H.E. Hogate was present. (BH, see July 31; see Greensboro for expanded story)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

Religion and Public Education

Scopes Trial

July 21, 1925: the final day of the trial opened with Judge Raulston’s ruling that Bryan cannot return to the stand and that his testimony should be expunged from the record. Raulston declared that Bryan’s testimony “can shed no light upon any issues that will be pending before the higher courts.” Darrow then asked the court to bring in the jury and find Scopes guilty — a move that would allow a higher court to consider an appeal. The jury returned its guilty verdict after nine minutes of deliberation. Scopes was fined $100, which both Bryan and the ACLU offer to pay for him.

After the verdict was read, John Scopes delivered his only statement of the trial, declaring his intent “to oppose this law in any way I can. Any other action would be in violation of my ideal of academic freedom — that is, to teach the truth as guaranteed in our constitution, of personal and religious freedom.” (see Scopes for expanded story)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism


Geneva Accords

July 21, 1954: the Geneva Accords concluded the Geneva Conference with the division of Vietnam into two countries along the 17th parallel of latitude with elections scheduled for 1956. [The two countries were not reunited until the fall of Saigon in 1975.] (see Aug 11)

New Zealand

July 21, 1965:  members of the New Zealand armed forces were deployed to South Vietnam. (NZ History cot govt article) (see July 24)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism


Lady Chatterley’s Lover

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

July 21, 1959: a U.S. District Court in New York ruled that D.H. Lawrence’s novel Lady Chatterley’s Lover was not obscene. Because of its explicit treatment of sexual intercourse, the novel had been unavailable legally in the U.S. since it was first published in Italy in 1928 (although there were a number of bootlegged editions and some bowdlerized editions that were legally published). The edition in this case, Grove Press v. Christenberry, was published by Grove Press, owned by anti-censorship pioneer Barney Rosset. (Guardian dot com article) (see March 26, 1960)

George Carlin

July 21, 1972: police arrested comedian George Carlin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for public obscenity: reciting his “Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television.”

The case, which prompted Carlin to refer to the words for a time as “the Milwaukee Seven,” was dismissed in December of that year; the judge declared that the language was indecent but Carlin had the freedom to say it as long as he caused no disturbance. (see March 19, 1973)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

Space Race

July 21, 1961: American astronaut Gus Grissom’s sub-orbital flight is marred when, after splashdown, the hatch of his capsule blows open and the capsule sinks.) (Grissom article from Space dot com) (see Nov 29)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

The Road to Bethel

July 21, 1969: Judge Edward O’Gorman handed down official decision banning the festival from the Wallkill site. That evening, Woodstock Ventures was granted permission to hold their event by unanimous vote of the Bethel council. (see Chronology for expanded story)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

Irish Troubles

July 21, 1972:  Bloody Friday: 22 bombs planted by the Provisional IRA explode in Belfast, Northern Ireland; nine people are killed and 130 seriously injured. (BBC article) (see Troubles for expanded chronology

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

Jack Kevorkian

July 21, 1992: Oakland County Circuit Court Judge David Breck dismisses charges against Kevokian in deaths of Miller and Wantz. (see Kevorkian for expanded story)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism


July 21, 1998: the U.S. Court of Appeals holds a hearing on alleged leaks of grand jury information to the media by Ken Starr’s office. The hearings center on Judge Norma Holloway Johnson’s secret sanctions against Starr and his subsequent appeal. The sanctions would require Starr to turn over documents and other evidence related to the alleged leaks. (see Clinton for expanded story)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism


Employment protection

July 21, 2014: President Obama gave employment protection to gay and transgender workers in the federal government and its contracting agencies, after being convinced by advocates of what he called the “irrefutable rightness of your cause.”

 “America’s federal contracts should not subsidize discrimination against the American people,” Obama said at a signing ceremony from the White House East Room. He said it’s unacceptable that being gay is still a firing offense in most places in the United States. (Boston Globe article) (see July 28)

NBA All-Star game

July 21, 2016: the National Basketball Association pulled the February 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte, North Carolina to protest a state law that eliminated anti-discrimination protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The move was among the most prominent consequences since the law, which also bars transgender people from using bathrooms in public buildings that do not correspond with their birth gender, was passed in March. (ESPN article) (LGBTQ, see Aug 18; North Carolina, see Sept 16)


July 21, 2017: U.S. District Judge David Bunning ordered Kentucky to pay more than $220,000 in legal fees because Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis had refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in 2015.

Bunning ordered the state to pay $222,695 in fees to the attorneys of two same-sex couples and others who sued Davis for refusing to give them marriage licenses. He also awarded $2,008.08 in other costs. Bunning said the county and Davis herself did not have to pay.

“Davis represented the Commonwealth of Kentucky when she refused to issue marriage licenses to legally eligible couples. The buck stops there,” Bunning wrote. [NPR story] (see July 26)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

Occupy Wall Street

July 21, 2015: New York City reached a settlement with an Occupy Wall Street protester who was pepper-sprayed and arrested by a city police officer during a peaceful demonstration in 2011.

Debra Lea Greenberger, a lawyer representing protester Kelly Schomburg confirmed that the city agreed to settle the suit for $50,001, in addition to yet-to-be-determined legal fees.

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

Women’s Health

July 21, 2020: Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced that it would remove the name of Margaret Sanger, a founder of the national organization, from its Manhattan health clinic because of her “harmful connections to the eugenics movement.”

Ms. Sanger, a public health nurse who opened the first birth control clinic in the United States in Brooklyn in 1916, had long been lauded as a feminist icon and reproductive-rights pioneer, but her legacy also included supporting eugenics, a discredited belief in improving the human race through selective breeding, often targeted at poor people, those with disabilities, immigrants and people of color.

“The removal of Margaret Sanger’s name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color,” Karen Seltzer, the chair of the New York affiliate’s board, said in a statement. [NYT story] (next WH, see January 12, 2021)

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism


July 21, 2023:  the new law legalizing the possession and personal cultivation of marijuana for adults in Luxembourg officially took effect.

This came about a month after Luxembourg’s Parliament passed a legalization bill, making it the second country in the European Union to end cannabis prohibition following Malta’s vote to legalize in 2021. [MM article] (next Cannabis, see Sept 7 or see CAC for expanded Cannabis chronology )

July 21 Peace Love Art Activism

Crime and Punishment

July 21, 2023: Senior Judge Kathryn H. Vratil of the Federal District Court ruled that a “two-step” which Kansas Highway Patrol troopers used often against out-of-state drivers, was part of a “war on motorists” waged and violation of the Fourth Amendment.

When a mundane traffic stop was nearing its end, a state trooper would turn to leave. But after a couple of paces toward the squad car, the trooper would whirl around and go back to the window of the pulled-over driver, hoping to strike up a conversation and find enough reason to scour the car for drugs. Perhaps the driver would say something the trooper deemed suspicious, or perhaps the driver would just agree to a search.

“The war is basically a question of numbers: stop enough cars and you’re bound to discover drugs,” wrote Vratil. “And what’s the harm if a few constitutional rights are trampled along the way?” [NYT article] (next C & P, see July 28)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

Native Americans

July 20, 1881: five years after General George A. Custer’s infamous defeat at the Battle of Little Bighorn, Hunkpapa Teton Sioux leader Sitting Bull surrendered to the U.S. Army, which promised amnesty for him and his followers. Sitting Bull had been a major leader in the 1876 Sioux uprising that resulted in the death of Custer and 264 of his men at Little Bighorn. Pursued by the U.S. Army after the Indian victory, he escaped to Canada with his followers. Sitting Bull was assigned to the Standing Rock reservation in South Dakota in 1883. Seven years later he was dead, killed by Indian police when he resisted their attempt to arrest him for his supposed participation in the Ghost Dance uprising. (next NA, see October 26, 1882; Sitting Bull, see December 15, 1890)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism
US Labor History

July 20, 1899: New York City newsboys, many so poor that they were sleeping in the streets, begin a 2-week strike. Several rallies drew more than 5,000 newsboys, complete with charismatic speeches by strike leader Kid Blink, who was blind in one eye. The boys had to pay publishers up front for the newspapers; they were successful in forcing the publishers to buy back unsold papers. [2017 NY Daily News story] (see Sept 30)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism



July 20, 1914: Marcus Garvey and Amy Ashwood founded the  Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. The U.N.I.A. was originally conceived as a benevolent or fraternal reform association dedicated to racial uplift and the establishment of educational and industrial opportunities for blacks. (Nat’l Humanities Center article) (BH, see February 8, 1915; see Garvey for expanded story)

Jack Johnson

July 20, 1920: self-exiled boxer Jack Johnson returned to the U.S. He surrendered to federal agents at the Mexican border and was sent to the United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth to serve his sentence in September 1920.

He was released on July 9, 1921. (BH, see Aug 1 > 31; JJ, see May 24, 2018)

Albany Movement

July 20, 1962: Robert Elliott, a Federal judge had issued an injunction against mass marches using the legal reasoning that demonstrations require the presence of policemen; policemen who are present during demonstrations could not handle other complaints of other citizens in the community; therefore, the demonstrations were denying other citizens — white citizens — equal protection of the law. Thus White citizens were denied equal protection.

Defying that injunction, 160 protesters were arrested. (see Albany Movement for expanded story)


July 20, 1985: P. W. Botha declared a state of emergency in 36 magisterial districts of South Africa amid growing civil unrest in black townships. (see June 12, 1986)

Trayvon Martin Shooting

July 20, 2013:   one week after a Florida jury found George Zimmerman not guilty in the death of unarmed teen Trayvon Martin, rallies were scheduled in 100 cities to press for civil rights charges against the former neighborhood watch leader. (BH, see Sept 13; TMS, see August 28)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

Religion and Public Education


July 20, 1925: with the proceedings taking place outdoors due to the heat, the defense — in a highly unusual move — calls Bryan to testify as a biblical expert. Clarence Darrow asks Bryan a series of questions about whether the Bible should be interpreted literally. As the questioning continued, Bryan accuses Darrow of making a “slur at the Bible,” while Darrow mocks Bryan for “fool ideas that no intelligent Christian on earth believes.” (see Trial for expanded story)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

Cold War

Military Draft

July 20, 1948: following World War II, the US moved quickly to demobilize the vast military it had constructed and  by 1948, less than 550,000 men remained in the U.S. Army. This rapid decline in the size of America’s military concerned U.S. government officials, who believed that a confrontation with the Soviet Union was imminent.

On this date President Harry S. Truman instituted a military draft with a proclamation calling for nearly 10 million men to register for military service within the next two months. (Rally Point article)


July 20, 1948: the top leaders of the Communist Party were arrested under the Smith Act. After a stormy trial, in which the prosecutor relied primarily on Marxist writings and offered no evidence of any planned effort to overthrow the U.S. government, 11 party leaders were convicted. (shmoop article) (Red Scare, see Aug 3; Free Speech, see November 1, 1948; Supreme Court decision re Smith Act, see June 4, 1951)


July 20, 2015: in a symbolic ceremony marking the end of 54 years of hostility, Cuba raised its flag over a limestone mansion in Washington, DC and officially reopened its U.S. Embassy. Hundreds of people, including U.S. lawmakers, diplomats and others joined visiting Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez, who led a delegation of about 30 officials from Havana, including Cuba’s chief negotiator on the normalization of diplomatic ties, Josefina Vidal. The U.S. would wait to raise an American flag and unveil a new sign at its Havana embassy until Secretary of State John Kerry traveled there to do the honors later that summer. (Reuters article) (CW & Cuba, see Aug 14)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

July 20 Music et al

Surf City

July 20 – August 2, 1963,  “Surf City” by Jan & Dean #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Co-written with Brian Wilson.

Something New

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

July 20, 1964, The Beatles: released Something New, a US only release. (see July 25)

  • Label: Capitol (US)
  • Recorded: 2 9 January, 25–27 February,
    1 March and 1–4 June 1964
Hugh Masekela

July 20 – August 2, 1968: “Grazing in the Grass” by Hugh Masekela #1 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Road to Bethel

July 20, 1969, The Road to Bethel and the Woodstock Festival: someone nails sign “Stop Max’s Hippy Music Festival” to tree at driveway entrance. Angers Yasgur and convinces him his decision to allow concert on his property was the right decision. (see Chronology for expanded story )

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism


July 20, 1968, ADA: the first International Special Olympics Summer Games, organized by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, were held at Soldier Field in Chicago. [Special Olympics site article] (see June 19, 1970)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

Space Race

July 20, 1969: Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first men to walk on the moon. They then rendezvous with Michael Collins in the command module for the return to Earth. [NASA article] (see July 24)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

War Powers Act

July 20, 1973: the Senate approved the War Powers Act by a vote of 75 – 20. [links to NYT stories re WPA] (see Oct 4)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

Irish Troubles

July 20, 1982:  the Provisional IRA detonated 2 bombs in central London, killing 8 soldiers, wounding 47 people. (see  Troubles for expanded story) 

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

Michael Dukakis

July 20, 1988: the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta nominated Michael Dukakis for President and Lloyd Bentsen for Vice President. [APP article]

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

Environmental Issues

July 20, 2021:  wildfire smoke from the western United States and Canada stretched across the continent, covering eastern skies in a thick haze and triggering air quality alerts from Toronto to Philadelphia.

In recent weeks, a series of near-relentless heat waves and deepening drought linked to climate change had helped to fuel exploding wildfires. In southern Oregon, the Bootleg Fire grew so large and hot that it created its own weather, triggering lightning and releasing enormous amounts of smoke. But more than 80 large fires were burning across 13 American states, and many more were active across Canada.

As the smoke moved eastward across Toronto, New York and Philadelphia, concentrations of dangerous microscopic air pollution known as PM2.5 (because the particles are less than 2.5 microns in diameter) reached highs in the “unhealthy” range for most of the day. Minnesota was heavily blanketed by smoke from wildfires burning across the Canadian border, with the city of Brainerd and others recording “hazardous” levels of pollution, the highest designation of concern from the Environmental Protection Agency. [NYT article w/ video] (next EI, see July 26)

Record Heat

July 20 2023: in its monthly call, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration analyzed how June’s temperatures stacked up and said June was Earth’s hottest on record.

According to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, the first two weeks of July were also likely the Earth’s warmest on human record, for any time of year. [NYT article] (next EI, see Aug 8)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism

Nuclear/Chemical News

July 20, 2023: a new study, released ahead of submission to a scientific journal for peer review showed that the July 16, 1945 Trinity explosion cloud and its fallout went farther than anyone in the Manhattan Project had imagined in 1945. Using state-of-the-art modeling software and recently uncovered historical weather data, the study’s authors say that radioactive fallout from the Trinity test reached 46 states, Canada and Mexico within 10 days of detonation.

“It’s a huge finding and, at the same time, it shouldn’t surprise anyone,” said the study’s lead author, Sébastien Philippe, a researcher and scientist at Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security. [NYT article] (next N/C N, see Aug 8)

July 20 Peace Love Art Activism