Good Morning Vietnam Happy Thanksgiving

Good Morning Vietnam Happy Thanksgiving
Long road into American consciousness
An American military presence in Vietnam began in 1950 under President Truman.
Four days after the assassination of President Kennedy, on Tuesday 26 November 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson’s new administration reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to the Republic of Vietnam.
The American public’s conception of the war did not began until August 1964 when naval attacks by the North Vietnamese was reported and on August 7 the U.S. congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, giving President Johnson the power to take whatever actions he saw necessary to defend southeast Asia.
Good Morning Vietnam Happy Thanksgiving
Fog of War
In 2003, Sony Pictures Classics released Errol Morris‘s documentary “Fog of War.” In it, Robert McNamara, President Johnson’s Secretary of Defense. admitted that there was no actual second attack.
Good Morning Vietnam Happy Thanksgiving
Increased troops/casualties
In any case, as you can see, following the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, the American presence in Vietnam, and the resulting casualties, increased dramatically.
1960 | Nov 24 | 900 American troops | 5 Americans died |
1961 | Nov 23 | 3205 American troops | 16 Americans died |
1962 | Nov 22 | 11,300 American troops | 53 Americans died |
1963 | Nov 19 | 16,300 American troops | 122 Americans died |
1964 | Nov 26 | 23,300 American troops | 216 Americans died |
1965 | Nov 25 | 184,300 American troops | 1,928 Americans died |
1966 | Nov 24 | 385,300 American troops | 6,350 Americans died |
1967 | Nov 23 | 485,600 American troops | 11,363 Americans died |
1968 | Nov 28 | 536,100 American troops | 16,899 Americans died |
1969 | Nov 27 | 475,200 American troops | 11,780 Americans died |
Good Morning Vietnam Happy Thanksgiving
From live turkeys dropped in 1962…
…to fasting in protest in 1969
Thanksgiving in the Vietnam War 1962…live turkeys airdropped. [Thanksgiving and Vietnam 1962]
Thanksgiving in the Vietnam War 1965…from President Johnson to the armed services: Today Americans of all faiths gather in their homes and places of worship and give thanks for the blessings of our great land. [Thanksgiving and Vietnam, 1965]
Thanksgiving in the Vietnam War 1966… Most American servicemen in Vietnam will haveThanksgiving dinners tomorrow starting off with shrimp cocktail and going on through turkey and giblet gravy…. [Thanksgiving and Vietnam, 1966]
Thanksgiving in the Vietnam War 1967…Thanksgiving Day church services in the nation… [Thanksgiving and Vietnam, 1967]
Thanksgiving in the Vietnam War 1968…Some 500,000 pounds of turkey are on the way to mess halls and tents throughout South Vietnam… [Thanksgiving and Vietnam, 1968]
Thanksgiving in the Vietnam War 1969… More than a hundred G.I.’s serving in a field evacuation hospital here boycotted Thanksgiving dinner today… [Thanksgiving and Vietnam, 1969] [see also]
Good Morning Vietnam Happy Thanksgiving
Alice’s Restaurant
The day after Thanksgiving 1965, Friday 26 November, Great Barrington police arrested Arlo Guthrie for littering in the nearby town of Stockbridge, MA. The resulting adventure would be immortalized in his song “Alice’s Restaurant,” one of the most influential protest songs of that era.
Good Morning Vietnam Happy Thanksgiving
John Lennon
By the mid-60s’ Beatlemania was gone, but individual Beatles still had an impact.
On November 26, 1969, the day before the American Thanksgiving celebration, John Lennon returned his MBE to the Queen as an act of protest against the Vietnam war.
Your Majesty,
I am returning my Member of the British Empire as a protest against Britain’s involvement in the Nigeria-Biafra thing, against our support of America in Vietnam and against ‘Cold Turkey’ slipping down the charts.
With love. John Lennon of Bag
I just want 2 say that I respect our Veterans/Soldiers and couldn’t imagine what they’ve gone through, have seen and have had 2 do!
I bless ALL of them who gave and sacrificed their lives 4 America.
I was 2 young when the horrific war on Nam occurred and as I got older and read all the stories and see posts and videos, it breaks my heart at how many suffered, did not make it back alive.