Republicans support health care

Nowadays if a headline read that “Republicans Support Health Care” most would think it’s a typo. For example, the last Republican President, Donald Trump, repeatedly said: ObamaCare is a catastrophe that must be repealed and replaced.
But in 1921 a Republican president, Warren G Harding, and some Republican sponsors did support federal support for health care. On this date he provided money for women’s health care as well as attempting to keep doctors from prescribing beer as a medication.
Republicans support health care
The Sheppard–Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Act of 1921 provided $1 million annually in federal aid (for a five-year period) to state programs for mothers and babies, particularly prenatal and newborn care facilities in rural states. [Government site explaining the Act]
Republicans support health care
Willis-Campbell Act
President Warren G. Harding signed the Willis-Campbell Act, popularly termed the “anti-beer bill.” Sen. Frank B. Willis (R) of Ohio and Rep. Philip P. Campbell (R) of Kansas sponsored the bill. It prohibited doctors from prescribing beer or liquor as a “drug” to treat ailments.
The Act kept in force all anti-liquor tax laws that had been in place prior to the passage of the Volstead Act in 1919. It gave authorities the right to choose whether or not to prosecute offenders under prohibition laws or revenue laws. At the same time guaranteeing bootleggers that they would not be prosecuted in both ways. (NYT article)